work, work, work

Aug 21, 2004 02:00

i think i like my job. i think. at least, i don't hate going to work in the morning, and i'm certainly busy enough to not be bored. but as much as i really do thrive on stress, i'm beginning to suspect there's a pain threshold somewhere near here...

unless you want to know far too much about Gov't contracting and my work life, you may want to go read the scotland entries instead...

i'm actually doing at least three different jobs. i'm the project manager for my company, i'm a task lead for the prime contractor, and i'm filling in for all the new guys who don't know what's up yet.

first is on hold for the most part, until i get the second under control. the line's really fuzzy sometimes, simply becuase i'm a manager for both tasks. i'm a bit schitzo at times, switching between my best interests, and the project's bests interests (not mention, the customer's best interests - but then again, my customer is sometimes the prime, sometimes the governement, sometimes the government's contract adminstrator, and occasionaly even the end-user communities...) the complexities keep me awake, but my ability to more or less keep them straight is probably why i still have a job.

of course i'm overwhelmed (quote from one of my bosses - wonderful). way too much (try 1/3 of a $150M 6yr contract (and roughly 70 people under me in the org chart)) - and i've got every last one of the high-priority/high-risk - and thus high-visibility - tasks.

thing is, i know i'll be able to handle it, assuming i can manage to find the time to get it under control. the hardest thing to deal with is that i'm too damned busy coordinating and talking and working to actually get the time to put the control mechanisms in place. so it's managing by the 'daily fire-fight' method - which i HATE. and, of course, we're talking california in the fall sized fires here...

more later. but if i'm lax on updating, or if it seems like all i do is work, sleep, and occasionally make a raquetball game, now you have some idea why.

if really want details... offer me a drink.
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