It's up bright and early today because it's Mr Canoe-Head day! Woot!
Lise, Jean and Nicholas have organized a very special day-trip for us today. Together with Guy and his family, Uncle Gille, Tante Mimi, my parents and our own brood, we're heading out for some outdoor fun!
At 0800 or so, we were in Smooth Rock Falls at the house of Andre and Elianne Bernier. The last of the true Voyageurs, this intrepid couple once canoed all the way along the Abitibi river to Moosenee!
Today's trip will not be quite so harrowing as we're only covering about 15km of the Great Abitibi River, but that's plenty wild for us!
Everyone arrived at the appointed time and off we went, driving right up to the final stretch of dirt-road that extends North from Hwy 11. This is like going further North after reaching the limits of how far crazy people go. We were some 80km past the point of regular Northern travel. There are no more roads heading North beyond the point where we stopped! We were THAT far North!
So, here we were at the Dam where we met Andre who like his wife was in full voyageur costume. He explained to us the heroic feats involved in creating the monstrous dam that spreads out across the river along with his own tragic loss.
The kids really liked riding out to the launch-site on the bed of the truck. That was a bit wild!
Our 15-person canoe was successfully launched and off we went! It must have been very hard on Andre and Elianne to paddle today because many of the passengers lacked canoeing experience (my sons were quite ineffective paddlers). Really, Andre and Elianne were the ones pulling everyone along! You guys are TOUGH and I am most impressed!
Despite the hardships, our hosts were absolutely brilliant and entertained us with their historical knowledge, good humour and traditional songs. Andre is a great singer! A mid-river break was also thoughtfully provided and everyone enjoyed their apples and granola bars.
On our way North, we also stopped by the New Post cemetery where Andre talked about the tombstones and explained to us the meaning and spiritual usage of tabacco. Kai sprinkled a pinch of it after the last of us left the cemetery to insure that we would not be followed out. Thanks!
Some 15 kms from our launching point, we arrived at our picnic spot: a scenic beach from which we can enjoy the splendour of the New Post Falls.
To get there, some intrepid travelers had to cross a downed pine tree that served as a land-bridge. That was both interesting and a little on the hazardous side of things. Despite the risk, Kai, Ray and Katsuko crossed without the slightest hesitation. I was impressed and followed the adventure-crazed group.
Lunch was another great success. Chicken pita sandwiches, vegetables and berries with sucre-a-la-creme for dessert. WOW! We have the BESTEST hosts!
As we enjoyed lunch, Kai and Ray climbed a sandy escarpment and found brachiopod fossils as well as a ton of horn coral. Cool!
Andre demonstrated how to start a cooking-fire with flint and steel and he had it going strong and well in less than 2 minutes!
Everyone now refreshed and ready to continue, we crossed over to the falls and started the climb up the cliff to the top of the thundering wonder which is New Post Falls. Along the way, Andre talked about the edible and medicinal plants we could see. We enjoyed, mints, some sort of red berries and Kai and Ray were most impressed by a plant used in gunpowder.
We eventually got to the top and could enjoy the sight of the raging waters pouring down an amazingly narrow and steep gorge. Unfortunately, it had been raining heavily and so the overabundance of water at the top prevented us from looking straight down the gorge. Nonetheless, the sheer power of this waterfall was most impressive. It's definitely something to be seen once in your life! Book your adventure now! Here's the website: The trip back went equally smoothly and we ended a perfect adventure with some pizza back home. Awesome!