Disney Sea and Various Bits of Fun

Jul 05, 2014 09:39

Rain. One month of it. Day in and day out. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Enough already!

The good news is that a bit of rain ain't gonna stop us from doing what we feel like!

The kids' summer projects are progressing nicely. Katsuko enjoys her work. I continue working hard on a daily basis.

Sundays are for playing. (Sometimes, I cheat and go out to play on Saturday as well!)

One such rainy Saturday was dedicated to drinking at Hana Tsubaki with Kyle. Hehe... the wild-boar-sausage pizza was a bit on the wild-side for him... When the fried-pheasant fillet came out, he needed another beer. And then, when he saw the dozens of shrimp with their feelers out to get him and their eyes staring and daring him to him to eat them... well, it wasn't pretty. 8)

I think he had a great time.

The very next week, we met again and had a good game of Settlers... which Kai won hands-down. This was followed by a trip out to Monterino where Kyle was rather aggressively hit on by a cute young lady. THAT was absolutely hilarious and did wonders for everyone's mood.

Our plans for Karuizawa were ruined by the rain so, on Saturday evening, we decided to head off to Disney Sea the next day. And off we went! It rained a bit most of the morning but by the time lunch came by, it was a nice cloudy day. Perfect!

It's also nice that there were so few people as we could ride more attractions. The restaurant was absolutely empty which is unheard of here. The kids had an absolutely grand time. They loved "Turtle Talk" and "Flounder's Roller Coaster" best. Katsuko liked the Indiana Jones ride and I liked the 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea one best. Everyone had a great time. Success!
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