
Oct 10, 2012 20:21

Hey everybody :)
I hate these kinds of posts but I'm here to say that in the near future I'm going to step back from MS a little. I would never be able to leave it completely of course, but I don't think I'll be posting again anytime soon. There are many stories I'm following and some people that I want to keep up with so I won't just disappear, of course :) Some things have changed and I just... don't feel comfortable anymore and writtng belldom also doesn't feel as fun as it did.
I'm going to disable comments on this entry, but if anyone wants to contact me I'll keep answering to PMs and e-mails. Onec again, it's nothing personal and I'll still keep up with the stories I'm following and personal entries of the ones I've grown internet-close with.
I hope those who actually care understand.

See you around! :D
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