So Close Now - Two

Aug 30, 2012 11:46

Author: fenora
Beta: The lovely millionstar as usual. Love you!
Pairing: You'll find out in time :p
Rating: R
Summary: Usualy, he doesn't go for singers.
Feedback: Anything, really!
Warnings: Hum... no belldom? Silliness without plot?
Disclaimers: I don't own any of the famous names mentioned here (unfortunately!)
Notes: This was something that came into my mind and I couldn't shake it out :P I hope it's not too over the top! I don't think it will turn into big series, probably just about 4 or 5 chapters. It's another attempt at comedy...

Prologue ) ( One )


A couple of weeks after my birthday, I’m back in Glasgow to rehearse the new songs for the gigs we have on the agenda. Some think it’s a bit stupid to perform so many new songs before the album comes out, but I completely disagree. In fact, I love to be able to do this, to give this privilege to fans that buy tickets for the gigs. They’re not that cheap, are they?

Thankfully, the guys agree with me.

“Okay guys, I think we’re done for today...”

“You say that because you’re going to pick up Matt at the train station,” Nick teases.

“True,” I say regarding the clock on the wall. The train arrives in thirty minutes and It’ll take a bit over twenty to get there. “But we’re done anyway... Scarlet and Blue is sounding great.”

“Yeah, I agree. Tomorrow same time?” Paul asks and we all nod. “Or maybe I’ll see you guys tonight?”

“Probably not tonight, Paul -what? Don’t give me that fucking look! I’ve been a good boy for two weeks, all right?” I chuckle as I grab my sunglasses and wallet and turn to the door.

“And you’re not going to shave that thing-“ Nick moves the tips of his thumb and index finger over the skin between his nose and mouth, “-off before Matt arrives?”

“I forgot yesterday and now I don't have time...” I shrug and stop with my hand over the door handle. My band mates laugh gingerly, probably imagining Matthew’s reaction when he sees me. They’re all very aware of how much he hates it when I have a moustache.

I don’t know why though... I think I can pull off anything. Including a moustache. And Matthew needs to realise that.

“The risk is yours, mate,” Nick continues. “But I can perfectly picture Matt giving you the cold shoulder tonight because of that amount of hair in your face.”

“You should have more faith in me, Nicholas,” I say, finally opening the door.

Once outside, I put my sunglasses on and head for my car.

Glasgow Central Station stands as an old building, filled with workers, business people and, of course, lots of tourists. Nowadays, most of these tourists are kids with back packs (can’t believe I’m calling twenty year olds kids, it’s almost depressing), exctitedly changing cities across Europe. Inter-rails seem to be the big thing these days.

A neutral feminine voice announces the arrival of the London train and I, following the information, make my way to line number five.

As usual, Matthew is one of the first passengers to leave. I immediately spot him glancing around, rolling his small black suitcase behind him. He never travels here with much baggage since he has everything he needs back in the apartment.

A group of young girls with camping gear seems to recognize him and one of them actually stops him, politely it seems, and asks for a picture. The others immediately do the same (one as red as a tomato, poor girl!) and Matthew chats with them for a few minutes and signs a random book. Usually he’s very attentive with fans whenever he’s recognized and it kind of makes me proud of him. Except when his childish side comes to the surface and he starts mocking me that I’ll never be recognized in the streets as much as he is. Which is not that much anyway... but, sometimes, he can be such a prima-donna, you wouldn’t believe.

Anyway, when he says goodbye to the girls he resumes his search for me and this time it doesn’t take long for him to find him.  I wave, nonetheless, and walk to him with a smile matching his own. However, when I get close enough, he stops walking and his smile fades giving place to an incredulous frown.

I know perfectly well what stopped him but I don’t care and I act as if I didn’t notice.

“Hello, babe, how was-“

“What the fuck is that?! Are you fucking k-“

I don’t let him finish and peck his lips before embracing him.

As crazy as it seems and as sheepish as it sounds, I miss him too much when he’s not around. You’d think one get’s used to distance because we do spend a lot of time apart, but that’s not true. I miss the irritating/adorable man in my arms quite a lot.

I feel him ease a bit into me but then he suddenly tenses, his head registering again the fact that I have a moustache again.

“The hell is that, Alex! Why did you have to do that again?”

“It just happened... no reason.”

“It happened?! Don’t tell me you woke up just like that. And even if you did you’ve had plenty of time to shave! Especially knowing I’d be here today.”

“I’m really happy to see you, too, Matthew. So happy.” With that, I slung my arm over his shoulders knowing that he won’t refuse that, and guide us to the car.

“So how was the trip?”


“Did you sleep?”

“A bit.”

“Did you miss me?”

The change in conversation takes him by surprise and for a moment his lopsided grin appears.


“Are you going to keep giving me small answers?”


“On what?”

By now we arrive at the car and stop, Matthew turning to me with mischievous eyes. “On whether you wipe that thing off before you suck my cock.”

With that he winks and gets into the passenger’s seat. A bit stunned I must admit (even though I love it when he acts the pervert) I shake my head and get into the car, deciding to play along.

“So you’d actually let me suck you with the moustache,” I say as I fasten the seatbelt. “You must be really desperate...”

“Do not even try to convince me that you haven’t been dreaming about my cock in your mouth for the past two weeks...”

“It’s not the number one in my list...”

“Then what is?”

“I am a shy man, Matthew, I can’t say that out loud.”

His hilarious laughter fills the car then, and as usual, I just can’t help laughing myself.

“You? Shy?! You wrote a fucking song about a guy coming all over you! You, Alex, do not know the meaning of the word shy.”

“That was eight years ago.”

“I couldn’t care less.”


The conversation suddenly changes as Matthew, seemingly forgetting his tantrum, talks about his time in London without me. We talk on the phone and Skype a lot so there's not much news, but it’s just great to finally talk to him personally.

“And Dom got into trouble again... Those women will kill him one day, I tell you...” He says as I park the car in our spot in the building’s garage.

“Really?” I chuckle, unbuckling my seatbelt. “What was it this time?”

“Something about a girl he took to his flat that found him with another one a couple of days later at a club... Dom says they actually attacked each other but I think he was exaggerating...”

Exiting the car, I can’t help laughing. “He’ll never change.”

“Rock star life suits Dom like a glove. But he’ll get tired of it eventually. I hope so anyway because I had a nightmare that some of his girlfriends would come into the studio and break everything!”


“No, you didn’t...”

“It’s true!” We wait for the elevator as I stare at him in wonder. “I woke up in a cold sweat... It was terrifying!”

“You’re unbelievable...” I chuckle shaking my head. He truly is, in lots of ways. It’s surprising (and a bit dumb, I know) that I still get open-mouthed by things he says or does after all this time but, deep down, I know I’m lucky precisely because of that. It’s impossible to get tired of him.

We get to the fifth floor and I open the door for him.

“What happened to the green curtains?” He asks, frowning at the living room’s nude window.

“I had Mariah’s cat here over the weekend because she was away and he ruined them...”


The point is, the curtains are the least thing in my mind right now. My eyes take the opportunity that Matthew has his back to me to take in the way his black trousers hug his butt so well. I swallow audibly and take a few steps towards him, snaking my arms around his waist and biting down on the curve of his neck.

Giggling, Matthew manages to disentangle himself from me “Uh uh. That thing has to go first,” he says pointing to my mouth. “Come on, to the bathroom we go.” Rolling my eyes, I let him guide me to said room by the hand. Once we get there, he motions for me to sit down and starts preparing the shaving foam. “Head up.” He puts one hand beneath my chin to keep my head in place and starts to apply the foam on my face.

It takes him about ten minutes to finish the job and, when he does, he smiles proudly at me. “Now, that’s my Alex!”

He giggles as I push him down to straddle me and kiss him hungrily. This time he responds eagerly, immediately starting to unbuttoning my shirt. When he grinds our growing bulges together, he leans back with a groan and I take the opportunity to take off his periodic table T-shirt. Then, everything flows naturally and I take one of those irresistible, tiny, nipples in my mouth, enjoying the way Matthew’s hands are roaming through my hair.

He’s practically dry-humping me now and I just know that I need to get him naked as soon as possible. Sex after we’ve been apart for a while is always frantic and quick, but no less amazing. So... the carpet on the floor of the bathroom seems like a very plausible place to fuck right now.

Looping one arm around his back and the other below his butt, I get up and place him on said carpet, immediately covering his body with my own. Clothes are quickly discarded and Matthew circles his legs around my waist in evident, urgent invitation.

It’s quick and kind of raw and primal, but it leaves me breathless as I lay on my back by his side.

“Welcome back,” I whisper as I regain my breath.

When he looks at me, in that post-coital look I love, he smiles and nods. “Bed?”

so close now

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