Author: fenora
Beta: The lovely
millionstar as usual. Love you!
Pairing: You'll find out in time :p
Rating: R
Summary: Usualy, he doesn't go for singers.
Feedback: Anything, really!
Warnings: Hum... no belldom?
Disclaimers: I don't own any of the famous names mentioned here (unfortunately!)
Notes: This was something that came into my mind and I couldn't shake it out
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“What? You know I like to perv over your drummer, it’s my favourite hobby.”
Oh, man. It's funny 'cause Alex kind of fancies Dom in real life. xD
I love the narrative and the story is so funny, makes me smile and laugh. :)
I think Alex flirts with everything that moves in real life, it's just a vibe I get from him :P
Thank you so much!
I can't believe Alex is actually 40 years old. Sure doesn't look it. This was so sweet-I loved Matt's attempt to do something nice for his birthday, I loved the present he gave him (awwww), and I too would love to see his version of "Happy Birthday" that would put Marilyn's to shame :D.
The banter between Alex and Matt is great, too, and I loved the bit with Dom as well (LMAO at Dom's comment about pink pants. He's right, though). They definitely make quite the sexy pair-I kind of wish this were real now.
Also, I'd actually be quite interested if both bands gave each other musical advice. The results of them influencing each otehr could be rather fun, I'd think.
Anywho, yeah. This was adorable.
I can't believe it either! Anyway he should be an example to other 40 year olds. It's possible to look that good at 40!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on this silly story XD
Unfortunately, I don't know where to find the screen caps, but some fans asked Alex on twitter if he voted for himself in the NME Sexiest Male poll and he replied something like: "I didn't, but I'd vote for Dom from Muse." If I remember correctly, there was some other tweets as well, but since I don't have a twitter account, I can't help you, sowwy.
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