Interview - ICE (IBD will come later)

Jan 28, 2011 23:14

I: Hello everyone! I’m here with figure skater Matthew Bellamy and boyfriend Dominic Howard, who agreed to answer some questions sent by some fans. Hello boys!

M: Hi!

D: Hello! How are you doing?

I: Very well, thank you! Ready for this? Okay. First question is for Matthew. How do you think the Olympic program would have went if Dominic hadn't been in your life? Any regrets?

M: Well… When we started going out, I was at a point in my life when I was sure that, in terms of skating and only skating I couldn’t be much better than that. That was my top. But I’m sure everyone agrees with me that we can never succeed completely if we don’t have a good background. By that I mean a stable personal life, or at least a satisfactory one. Dom... Well, he was the main pillar in that matter, he was my rock. So, maybe the program would have not differed that much but... it just wouldn’t be the same. The final result wouldn’t be the same, if you know what I mean, because I was feeling like I had won on two different ways. The competition itself and my personal life. And of course, in a more direct way, he helped me a lot when it came to stress and tension during competitions.

The grin on Dominic’s face doesn’t go unnoticed by anyone in the room, including Matthew.

M: He’s never going to shut up, now that I’ve said that.

D: As if you said something new!

M: That said, I’m not sure I answered your question... And regrets? None. Not at all.

I: That was quite all right. Next question is for you as well, Matthew. Why did it take you time to get comfortable with Dom and admit your love? Why were you so evasive?

M: I guess I’m just difficult.

D: You think you are! In reality you’re-

M: Will you let me answer my questions? It’s not my fault that I have more than you. And it just confirms the fact that I’m more interesting than you.

Now, I can guarantee you that Dominic didn’t take that as an insult. He merely shrugs with a grin - a seductive grin - as Matthew shakes his head. The figure skater was talking in a mocking tone; you can tell how much he cares for that blond student just by the way he looks at him, really.

M: since a very young age I tended to lead people away... It was probably a defence mechanism because I realised that I couldn’t count on my own family. So why should I count on others? Jane tried her best to make me change my mind, and she did at some point because I learned to trust her and her family. But still, a beginning of any other kind of relationship was always difficult to me. I still feel it nowadays, sometimes. Not towards Dom, of course, but towards people I meet for the first time. I never show my true self for a while.

I: Next question is for Matthew again.

M: Of course!

I: It's clear that you're a fabulous, gorgeous ice skater and you have all the graceful qualities. But is there something that you absolutely adore about Dom? Something that makes Dom beautiful?

M: If I answer that honestly he’ll never shut up! You mean physically or in terms of personality?

I: It doesn’t specify so I guess you’ll have to talk about both.

At that, Dominic turns to him with a teasing smirk, challenging him.

M: Physically it’s... Oh I don’t know this isn’t fair! Do I have to pick just one?

D: Oh! I have many, it seems!

I: Just something that makes him beautiful, that’s what it says.

M: Okay, so... Physically it’s his arms. Being a sportsman I really appreciate a good pair of arms and Dom’s are certainly close to perfection, so... yeah, if I have to pick just one I have to go for his arms. Tanned, not too muscled, skin that he obviously knows how to take care of... His legs are pretty foxy too. And... well, that’s two already, moving on...

I would love you to see the grin on Dominic’s face right now, like he’s enjoying his boyfriend’s embarrassment as much as he’s enjoying the compliments.

M: So, psychologically... I really love the fact that he stands for what he believes is right. Even though he’s wrong many times. Haha But he always tries to be himself and he’s... very strong. Even though it took him a long time to believe that and give some more credit to himself. When he started going out he was... shy. But that doesn’t mean he was weak. If he was, we’d never get to being truly together as we are nowadays. It’s more his merit than mine, I have to admit. But I’m really glad that he never gave up.

They share a knowing smile that contrasts with the mocking that was taking place just a few seconds ago. I let them have that small moment before continuing.

I: Finally, a question for Dominic!


I: Did you ever think of giving up on Matt at the beginning when he was still against any commitment?

D: Yes, of course. In fact I wanted to… My mind screamed at me to let him go, that he would never return my feelings, he would never feel for me half of what I felt for him. But I simply couldn’t. It revealed to be impossible. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and the more I knew, the more I wanted to know… It was useless to try and run from that. Luckily, I was strong enough to hang on and believe that I could… conquer him somehow.

I: It seems like you did.

D: Yeah…

He smiled looking at Matthew before turning his attention back to me.

D: And I would do it again without thinking twice. It was more than worth it.

I: Well, that’s it boys. Thank you so much for your time! It was a pleasure to get to know you better.

M: Thank you!

D: Cheers!

ice, meme

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