Title: Daydream
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Naraku/Kagome
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kagome gets captured by Naraku.
Word Count: 100
Notes: Written for night_owl_9.
She was beginning to annoy him.
“Kagome, child, why won’t you speak?”
The trembling girl shivered in the perpetual gloom that surrounded his castle; a flower shaking in a cruel wind.
“Speak or I shall not feed you.”
Naraku saw her wild unfocused eyes; infinitely amused by her tear-stained cheeks. She was daydreaming. Fantasizing about how Inuyasha was coming to rescue her while ignoring the reality in front of her.
Bad mistake.
In one smooth movement, he struck like the spider he was-at her side in an instant. Recoiling from him, the little miko shrieked in fright.
“That’s better.”