Dec 10, 2003 15:43
Sometimes I forget why I'm in my program. Like right now for instance. I have an exam in 15 hours. It's very long and very confusing and I have a lot of work I should be doing. Instead I'm writing this entry and searching out Dark Is Rising fic (, some of that's really BADLY written). Tonight, however, I did have Christmas dinner with a guy who shot five people in the head. (hello, perspective, there you are.)
I forget, sometimes, despite how often I hear it, that criminals really aren't any different from regular people. There was staff and former-inmates at this dinner, I couldn't tell who was who. Except the guys all seemed slightly out of phase. Kind of like someone who spent the last 25 years locked away from normal society....yeah, that'd be it.
christ. I started out with a point. It got lost.