Disney Converted into Kitchen Store = Rape of my childhood

Dec 22, 2008 15:35

At a mall near me, we used to have a Disney store, which I was very sad to see close down. Someone bought the shop and converted nothing except the signs and products.

The store front is almost the same, except for a barely noticeable sign for the place in the window (Covered by glare).

The only change they made to the front room (which used to house cute little children's costumes). They changed the clothing hooks with a sign of a deep frier. In the shadows, you can see quite easily make out the Winnie the Pooh border in real life. Sadly my thumb was in this picture. Opps.

Instead of the Cinderella part selling snow globes, it's now selling spatulas.

The back, which had a giant round toy display now houses a bunch of as seen on TV crap. Half of it is blocked away by crappy shelves and a crappy tarp.

Poor Piglet. :(

So much fail.

bad conversion, rape of childhood, disney

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