Sep 07, 2016 00:36

Ugh, I heard the news about SMAP disbanding, and I keep remembering at random times of the day and then having a sad.

Nakai must be devastated.

Uggggh, I don't want it to happen!!! Can't they just suspend activities?? That way they can still do a few things later if they want to and keep their SMAP identity. Individual activities are not the same! Where will I see my favorite crossdressing Nakai-kun flirting with other SMAP members now?!

Damn this manager drama. And telling us with a FAX was so low class. When Mori left, when Kimura got married, they had the decency to announce it to us themselves in a concert.

At least Kinki will "always be around, always stay together." They BETTER.

oh my god a je tag

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