star treks

Aug 21, 2016 19:02

I forgot to post here about the star treks, so my main reaction was that it was enjoyable! The ending theme did fill me with a lot of feels. I could tell that Simon Pegg et alia really tried to make it more Star Trek-like in feel - exploring new worlds and cultures. But in the end, it was an action film, not a Star Trek science fiction film.

I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of good female characters. On the other hand, Bones in particular felt like a caricature of himself - was he always that broadly acted?? There were some humorous Bones and Spock moments that I enjoyed, however.

In terms of the villain, there were sooooooooo many plot holes, it boggles the mind. Idris Elba just wants people to suffer because he suffered? And the alien tech just randomly shapeshifts you... because? And where did all his minion aliens come from??

I thought the fight mechanics of the bee swarm was original and clever, but I couldn't figure out why the shields weren't blocking it. And were there sentient beings in the bee swarm ships??? They were just okay with blowing themselves up for Idris Elba? The ending with the Beastie Boys and the motorcycle, I was just so embarrassed by. Oh, well, they tried.

star trek

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