Lots of crying...

Jan 14, 2016 00:43

Taking a break from crying about Hamilton, I was completely blindsided by the news about Bowie...

And today, watching Lazarus, I felt like this little girl, totally unable to cope with the reality of aging and death.

Our Hannibal watch continues apace, but we are deep in s2 prison territory, so there's not much relief to be found there, although Cleolinda tries...

And now I hear SMAP is breaking up?? The management needs to get their shit together and stop all this backstabbing of each other, ffs. The one thing that made me laugh when I was deathly ill with a cold recently was rewatching the SMAP Saiban. :(

On the Star Wars side of things, I'm totally enjoying all the OT3 fics!!! And the What if Ep III Were Good finally came out! I shall now edit my memories of these films accordingly...

star wars, hamilton, oh my god a je tag, hannibal, bowie

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