(no subject)

Oct 29, 2005 01:41

I've started work on the Twitch City vid, because c_regalis demanded asked so nicely. I think I've conquered some of my long-standing issues with Premiere too. I can now import xvid straight from the source by changing the 4cc header to divx, divx, and it works except it won't preview the footage when I drag the ends of clips. I figured out how to change the project frame size too by switching to Video for Windows instead of DV. Hmm, maybe that's why the dragging preview isn't working. I found out how to compress to xvid and divx from Premiere too. So I'm slow. But this should make vidding easier and better-quality in the future. Soon Premiere will serve me instead of the other way around. So yay.

And now for some Star Trek.

1. Spock's legs are teh sex.

Seriously, how pretty is that?

2. Kirk cannot resist them.

Let's look at that again slightly bigger, shall we?

3. Spock flashes more leg as he gets to his feet.

4. Kirk embraces him tightly.

5. Look at their feet. So! Cute!

And let's not forget about the Star Trek canonical furries.


I remember seeing one man in a skirt in the Pilot of Next Generation. It was great. Apparently they crop up briefly in the early episodes, so you have to hunt for them. It's like Where's Waldo, but with cross-dressing! ::dances::

This article here by Whitney talks about how if Gene Roddenberry had lived, the Next Generation would have had more gay people being treated as normal. My favorite TNG episode is "The Outcast," the one about Riker falling in love with a gender-neutral alien, made fifth season, so after Roddenberry's death, but I still feel it addressed some interesting issues. Go read all Whitney's articles. Seriously. She has a lot of good and smrt things to say. I especially liked her article about Ivanova, Talia and MARCUS YAY MARCUS! ::twirls with love::

In Robin, Prince John talks about the Angevin Empire, and how it would be split with a civil war if Richard didn't name an heir. This kind of 20th century revisionist history is enough to make medievalists tear out their hair. The Angevin Empire is a modern term, and certainly not contemporarily used. We know now that one of the reasons the Angevin Empire fell was because Richard died without a direct heir, but John would certainly not know that, and anyway he was scheming to become heir himself, which he did, and the Empire still fell. ::waves hand impatiently::

I would expect to hear more talk of Eleanor too, or Philip, or hell any of John's siblings. John did talk about how this business with Robin Hood would never have happened in his father's day, and I have to second him on that.

I did like everyone's bemused reactions to John's strange predilection for taking a bath two times a week however. Very cute and contemporary.

And WOW is this show pretty. The music, the scenery, the cinematography, just PRETTY. And the outlaws are all so physically affectionate with each other, like a group of cuddly puppies. Too adorable.

With the return of the Sheriff and departure of John, things should get back to normal around here now, though news of Richard's death does not bode well.

GUY (indignant): I am not your whipping boy!

SHERIFF (sly): Aren't you, Gisbourne?

Heeeeeeeee. Yup, back to normal.

On to Numb3rs 204! Now with picspam.

Larry! Biting an apple sensuously at Charlie! Yay jekesta must be so happy!

And Charlie looks so turned on. Hee.

Someone should vid that to "You Are My Temptation"...


Then Charlie flashes some fanservice at Don and the audience.

Isn't he coy. And, err, talking about how he's good with children. Um.

Next: The Kashiba bunkasai and assorted RLishness, the Others fic maybe sometime this year, and ditto for the Twitch City vid. Comment to my last post if you have a vote for my next vid after this one.

numb3rs, vidding, star trek picspam, star trek, ros, picspam

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