(no subject)

Oct 17, 2005 08:54

These pics of Viggo and Elijah--go all the way to the end to get to more--made me curl into a ball in front of the screen and emit high-pitched squealing noises. There may have been words in there too, but not in any recognizeable language. THEYLOVEEACHOTHERSOMUCH! I just-- ::stares:: Theirloveissoobvious it makes me lose all reason! My brain literally cannot function! But!


I do NOT read RPS! (Except for when I read a little to make sure I don't read it.) *Especially* cracked-out vaguely stalkerish RPS like lotripping. I have LINES!

Of course, that doesn't include Callum RPS. I love that! But that's *different*. It *is*. It's Callum. ::pets Callum's spiky head:: I wonder what the Callum RPS equivalent of a tin hat would be. The metal bracelet? For Paul/Callum. And the Hugh Dillon ring for Callum/Hugh. I don't think of it as a "Hugh Dillon's band" ring. To me, whenever I see it it's a symbol that they're married, and that it marks Callum as Hugh's property--jesus christ fucking *guh*. Which is why Paul won't let Callum wear it on Due South. Yes. ::admires own RPS jewelry::


This episode--even more than the one where Logan showed off his boyfriend by sitting on Duncan's lap and taunting Veronica--this episode was WOW SO GAY Logan/Duncan post-breakup.

Their conversation, plus some helpfully texted subtext by me!

LOGAN: Forget Veronica! Even though I was so in love with her and she broke my heart and everything. She's in the rearview mirror! You broke my heart more because I loved and trusted you more. Where were you when I was getting accused of murder and turning the neighborhood into a warzone out of my misplaced pain and aggression? Huh? When I was getting shot at and when Veronica abandoned me? I thought you were supposed to have my back.

DUNCAN: OMG YOUR FATHER KILLED MY SISTER. I am so self-focused on my own pain and pretending to be normal that I totally cannot deal with anyone else's real emotions. I like my fantasy romance world okay? Oh, and in case you've forgotten, let me just twist the knife again YOUR FATHER MURDERED MY SISTER.

LOGAN: I hate him too, you know. And like I could forget that my girlfriend and father betrayed me, like I could forget while I'm still living alone in his house, the house I lived in with him for a year while he lied to me, that fucking pristine house still filled with his pictures and awards and movies and--God, Duncan! She was my girlfriend!

DUNCAN: ::does his omg real emotion RETREAT RUN AWAY WHERE ARE MY PILLS::


NURSE (bandaging Logan's wounds of gay love): I'm sorry does that hurt?

And I love how just after the fight, Logan says Veronica was probably turned on by them fighting. I know I was. Logan has a slasher's heart yay. And you just know that they were turned on by fighting too. They're *boys*.

But what I loved most about this scene was that Veronica was *peripheral* to their relationship. They weren't fighting about who gets to sleep with Veronica. They were fighting about how they each feel betrayed by the other. And because they're boys they can't like talk about it. Not that Duncan would ever talk about *anything*. (OMG I HAVE SUCH BYRONIC ANGST YOU COULDN'T POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND DON'T EXPECT ME TO TALK ABOUT FEELINGS!). Huh, Duncan=Manfred?

I do *love* the OT4, but since Lily's mostly dead, I'll settle for the LOVERLY OT3.

::dances oh-so-prettily-fucked-up OT3 around the room::

So! I saw The Brothers Grimm. Yay Terry Gilliam! Sooo funny and grate! And the brothercest. Let me rephrase: THE BROTHERCEST! It *leaps* off the screen more than in Lost Boys and Harry Potter and Numb3rs and Supernatural and ANYTHING I HAVE EVER SEEN EVER! ::dances:: 'Twas frelling awesome! And the OT3 was tasssty too.

Comment and tell me where either my lj name or my shiny new current desktop comes from and you get Points and Virtual Cookies. Be the first to comment and correctly tell me where they both come from, and you get a picspam of your choice. Pretty easy IMO, and no fair peeking at other comments!

I have now decided that the Others OT3 fic is the first of a trilogy. God help us. ::quickly rewatches the rest of canon::

vm, links

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