Jul 16, 2011 23:16


Can You Hear My Heart - I laughed, I sobbed, I stroked the screen repeatedly whenever Ma Ru's emoface appeared... I haven't been doing anything lately but watching this drama, and now Kim Jae Won is making me want to watch Romance again. But omgggg Ma Ru. Must watch more things with Nam Goong Min.

And wow, I mean, I like sibling incest as much as the next person, but Korea really goes to new lengths in their adoptive ploys to get the OT3+1 to feel like siblings but not actually share any blood. And then they just threw in that "and the father was adopted too!" at the end, as if the family tree weren't complicated enough.

And sure, maybe it's a bit Mary Sue-ish to have three good guys in love with the tomboy lead girl, but I just want an excuse to hang out with these people and their EPIC PLOTS, man. But boy, is it cringingly awkward when you're all aware that you're plotting years-long intricate corporate revenge and betrayals against each other and still have to sit around a family table silently sharing breakfast. So the way everyone was suddenly happy with each other at the end and Choi Jin Chul's sudden (stroke-induced?) ZOMG REMORSE was a bit pastede on, but whatever, HAPPY END, CUTE PROPOSAL. I know Ma Ru is a bit of a selfish brat, but I just want him to be happyyyy.  Ma Ruuuuu. (Ugh, he is like Rui all over again. OT3 IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER. Except for F/K/V that I still can't read because I am a MRKS at heart.)

...I knew reading darkeyedwolf again was a bad life decision.


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