What is this? A post about other JE groups??

Dec 17, 2009 23:19


Sakamoto's "I'm almost 40 and still smoking!" little gun and smirk at the camera! I died! And then he did it again!! Ahaha, how can one man be so hotly dasai and kakkoii at the same time. AND THEN. He laughed at himself like a sweetheart when something mocking Mama said makes him laugh. <3333 OTPPP ::floats away on hearts::

I don't like this K8 song much, but it's fun! Subaru's hair is v. interesting.

"GUILTY." OH. I FORGOT HOW SEXY YOU WERE. The daaannccce! It's a little odd with the karaoke "singing with the backing vocals of yourself," the weird fading in and out of people's individual mics, and being out of breath at the end, but they still all sound really good, especially Leeeeader. <3 LMAO at the Chipmunk Twins being the low-voiced rappers, though.

ICU V6 WRITHING AROUND ON THE FLOOR. PLZ TO BE REPEATING. The rap was just that hot, huh boys? Wow, Mama's pants fit him... really well...

Please never stop being awesome at boybanding, V6, even if Leader-baby has to dance with a walker.

Ahaha, the beginning of the double group song is so awkward. ...INOCCHI+MARU. How has this not come up before!!! A more perfect pairing cannot be made! BRB DYING AT THE SAKAMOTO+YASU. I'm not sure what happened there, but it was adorb. Was Okada setting Sakamoto up? Yasu can so not pull off the epic dorkawesome of Sakamoto's sheer machismo. LOL at Inocchi(?) calling Sakamoto "chideji" (new nickname now?) because he will turn 40 when the switchover to digital happens. LOL Maru and Inocchi are so like the same person. Aaaah, Leader giving more good face to the camera. What has gotten INTO him?

Okay, epic inter-group interactions need to happen MOAR. Especially since what I saw of the Sports Day was, well, not as epic as I would have liked. (Should I watch more? I just watched the Nakai and Koichi clip. Tell me if I'm missing out.) Are we even having Countdown this year? (K8 not at Countdown is really lame...)

ETA: Tokio give some mellow tunes yo. Leader's hot hot intro guitar! Gussan's hot new hairstyle and managing to look awesomely naked in that shirt! Nagase's glasses! Taichi's emoting! Trumpet backdancing! Performing in some kind of ~crystal cavern~! FIRE! Good editing in general, Best Artist Director. And Tokio sound really good! If this is all live, like I think it is, I am really fucking impressed. ...But boring new song is kind of boring. MABO HITTING SHO IN THE FACE. I CAN'T EVEN. TOO MUCH AWESOME FOR WORDS.

ETA2: Koi no ABO, stop being so catchy. Seishun Amigo, stop making me like Pikame again. Junno, stop looking so hot and uke in that plaid skirt and ripped sweater. Arashi, stop overwhelming me with the sheer awesome force of your being. I am sticking to KinKi with a side of senpai only, or I'll never have time to sleep!

oh my god a je tag

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