My brain still can't quite make the leap to Julie in Happiness of the Katakuris

May 23, 2009 23:55

Too bad about Adam losing Idol (not that I watch Idol), but now he's free to be his badass awesome self successfully.


Okay, seeing as I've read (and read and read) everyone's reaction posts, my viewing of the Star Trek film (it really doesn't have an actual name??) was a little biased, but here is my obligatory reaction post.

1. Why didn't anyone tell me how funny it was??? It was hysterical! Okay some of the humor was a little out of character for the characters and for the tone of Star Trek, but new!Spock's humor was dead on. "Fascinating." <3 And there were both in-jokes and out-jokes, so it really worked.

2. I didn't buy the characters as the old ones (Scott especially seemed really different to me), but the new ones were interesting characters in their own rights. Kirk was more in character than I thought he'd be, especially the God-touched arrogance. ("Spock, it'll work.") He didn't have the extreme devotion to duty and marriage to his ship, but that's explainable in this universe. Though the way he shot Nero's ship meaninglessly and then didn't leave soon enough to escape the black hole doesn't give me a lot of confidence in his judgment yet.

3. Yeah agreed on the misogyny and lens flares. Why weren't the women wearing pants and the men taking off their clothes? Where were the crewmen in skants? Where were the Kirk ripped shirts scenes??

4. Vulcan gone is a giant D: face. Romulus gone is also a giant D: face. All of Spock's unification work... I hope they'll be able to prevent at least Romulus exploding in this new universe. (Now that's something constructive Nero could have done. But noooo.)

5. Nero just waited around for 25 years? Really?? And why does a mining ship have such awesome weapons? They went through a black hole safely?? That requires a lot of handwaving...

6. Spock's parents were so accepting. Bizarre. I did like Spock's Oedipus complex there. Spock throwing Kirk OFF THE SHIP was so WTF! The adolescent kissy faces with Uhura were a little much. I wish they had spent a little more time on showing their relationship, not their kisses. (Aren't public kissyfaces out of character for Spock anyway? I know, extreme circumstances but...) I felt so bad that Spock prime got the CHEESIEST LINES EVER WRITTEN. GOD. (Apart from Pike's "Do you know what the Federation is?" YES THANK YOU CAPTAIN EXPOSITION.)

7. The details of this universe were really well fleshed out. Impressive in most all respects. Except for the "stardates." Great sets and CGI. Budget moneys, let us show you them!

8. The Romulans and Vulcans were speaking English... why? If this is one of those "they're really speaking another language, but the camera translates" things, then they need to make that clear. And of course by this time there are universal translators around, so why did Pike need Uhura to monitor for Romulan transmissions anyway?

9. Spock prime and Kirk felt way more slashy than new!Spock and Kirk. I didn't really see the sexiness of Bones or the Kirk/Bones. I mean, I see how other people saw it, but I don't see it myself.

Yeah this universe is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Kind of like an amusement park. Oh, pro fanfic, how silly you are.


Why did no one tell me that Julie was so hot?? Only NOW do I find out he's called the Japanese David Bowie and the pioneer of visual kei. Fandom fail! I knew he was famous, but I pictured the Tigers as like early-'60s Beatles, drawing crowds of screaming girls while not being very hot.

But Koichi's performances of Julie's Darling are hot (starts at 27:30). Hello jewelry and sultry looks. (I've really got to finish Tokikin.) And they reminded me of the cute way Koichi acts around Takuro-san. (BTW Takuro-san is totally hot with long, non-fro hair, wow.)

And so what with those performances and Toma's performance I was inspired to look for the real thing. Here's one - you can't really see it well in that one, but he does this totally limp-wristed thing on the chorus...

But this other song is so freaking hot. Talk about to-be-looked-at-ness. Not to mention queer coding and androgyny. Sailor hat! Jewelry!! Fanservice! I think it's impressive that he makes it obvious that dog-tags and hat-badges are just another form of jewelry.


I finished Hitotsu Yane no Shita season 1 in my great quest to watch everything Nojima Shinji has ever written, and omg. It was good! An-chan reminded me of Nagase in Mukodono, really weepy and hot-blooded and family-oriented. The gags did get a bit much and so did the melodrama, "accidental sighting" coincidences, and gender roles. There was some overacting too. I can tell that Nojima Shinji's writing has improved, but this was a real fun ride. Now I want to watch season 2! Except if I don't watch it I can keep my illusion that it will give me my two-brother-one-woman marriage. My OT3s are always so doooomed. ::clings to Concerto::

oh my god a je tag, i like non-je bands for the music, ドラマ, star trek

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