I finally watched the Hana Kimi special

Nov 02, 2008 23:54

OMG I could watch them forever.

The lesbian subplot! (It's about time!)

The dog omiai!

Nanba's boyfriend wearing a nightgown and everyone treating it as normal! (And them holding hands in the beginning aww.) And then their CREEPY CREEPY KISS. God, hilarious.

Nakatsu and Minami's STALKER BOND LOL.

Ahaha, touching another man is sexual harrassment in America. It is the way you all do it!

Oscar was really styling in that weird shower cap ensemble he had going on. (Not to mention the tutu. Man has he got balls.)

Did something happen to one of the girls in the Hibari Fooo~ur?

Sakurazaka's ADORABLE CRUSH on Sano that I had completely forgotten about. Sooo embarrassing lol.

The drowning thing was extremely contrived and improbable, I must say.

SANO'S INTERNAL MONOLOGUE. I died a thousand times of laughter.

Dorm 2 selling ITSELF as the gay dorm. I must have watched that Osugi and Piiko part 5 times now. Brilliant, Toma.

The bizarre soccer game of OT3 LUUUURVE. And the OT3 ending EEEE.

Hokuto is amazing forever. <333

But the best part was Nakatsu's continuing imitations of famous TV detectives. Oh baby, you are too the main character!

I wonder if they're going to make another special about the school trip visit to see Mizuki. I hope so!


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