Kisarazu Cat's Eye: World Series
Wow this was so much better than Nihon series. Actually, IMO I think this is the best Kankuro movie after Go. It had an actual plot! With actual emotion! Obviously this one succeeded in the emotion department where other Cat's Eye incarnations fell short because Bussan ACTUALLY DIED. Finally! Thank you! But the crackyness and awesomeness were also there. I liked the way that pretty much every character got at least one decent moment. That comedian's fake gaijin accent of course grated on me (the reason I was scared away from watching Nodame), but having Bambi as the emotional center of the film worked really really well. Go Sho-kun!
Hanadan Movie
OH GOD. I know the message this film is sending is so patriarchal and codependent and awful. But I can't help but swallow it HAPPILY because the candy coating fills me with UNCONTROLLABLE GLEE. It's seriously a drug.
And speaking of my drug, omg, the OT3ness was out of control in this film! The WEDDING. Ruuuuuuiiiii! At first I was all like OMG Rui is awesomely behind it all, and then it turned out to be her parents, bzuh? And Rui turned out to be just kind of an afterthought to everyone, except for the OT3 bits. Just as bad as the manga. Wah. ::pets Rui::
The pasted-on cameos at the end (and throughout, but especially there) were kind of annoying though. Not enough time to flesh them out, so they're really random.
The cinematography was interesting. It was a really different feel, kind of art-housey. The whole thing felt more adult and real, which made it a little harder to swallow the ridiculous parts. (Even though it had the same director as the dramas, who clearly knows how to switch visual styles between media--eg. Kurosagi.)
Yasuko to Kenji
The Yasuko to Kenji finale was everything I could have ever dreamed of!! GOD SO GOOD. (Especially Ohkura's extremely meta T-shirt LOL.) Plus Tabe-san was actually acting there for a little while. And the message this series is sending isn't bad either! This whole series was like a shot of awesome directly into the eyeball. XD WHY ISN'T THERE MORE???