There can be only crap.

Sep 21, 2007 00:15

Yes, I just saw the latest Highlander movie. And yes it was really bad. I would venture to say the worst of them all.

But Methos? Was REALLY HOT. He was inexplicably badass and OOC, but in those motorcycle leathers and kicking that gas pump. Mmhm.

But what was up with his and Duncan's prickly relationship? The only IC part was when Methos asked Duncan to "Leave him" (the priest) and Duncan replies, "Can't."

And Joe was mostly awesome.

Anyway, Methos Lives! ...Presumably!

(I should learn not to question things like characterization when things are as obviously insane as when we have Methos being about to be eaten by zombie forest-dwelling bikers. I just. Why?)


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