Ruka's psycho isn't like the photo club teacher's psycho!

Jul 23, 2007 16:37

So I made it through some more Ningen Shikkaku. But it's really hard. Because basically from the moment each episode starts to the moment it ends I'm just crying and crying. Not necessarily because anything sad is happening, but just because Makoto isn't there. And then when something bad *does* happen, I can't hold back and just start *sobbing* 「マコト、何でいないの?どこ行っちゃったの?マコトオオオオ!」

The way Ruka "deals" with Makoto's death is so *romantic*. But also so tragic.

It's basically a lot of severe depression and self-punishment.

"The destruction of the world and Makoto's death are to me the same thing," Ruka says, holding a knife to his throat and poised on the edge of the roof Makoto jumped off of. He plans to go meet Makoto because without Makoto he really has nothing left to live for, and he talks about how Makoto was like the only good thing in his entire life, the only thing he felt anything for. "I'm afraid of being left in the darkness again. I'm more afraid of that than dying. So I'm going to jump from here like Makoto."

And as the psycho photo club teacher (who basically caused Makoto's death because he was in love with Ruka and wanted Ruka for himself) said before to Ruka, "I just took photos. You killed the one you loved." So there's that guilt going on too, along with the crushing grief.

So far he has been stopped in his suicide attempts, but we'll see how it plays out.

When I describe this series to otakucat2 she says "It sounds like emotional rape." And God, it *is*.



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