(no subject)

Sep 14, 2005 04:36

RL-ish entry!

This is a notebook that my predecessor left in the apt. It never fails to make me giggle. I always imagine yumi saying this with a smile and a headtilt because it seems like something she would like (characters, tasty things and Engrish).

Nara was fun. Even the killer attack deer would let you pet them if you didn't have food and bow on command like dogs in hope of receiving food. I really liked Yakushiji (it had nice vibes) and the monk there was awesome. Seeing the many dressed up miko at the shrine
and the monk at the temple, it was like Inuyasha come to life. So very squee. But kinda awkward too with the strange Japanese mix of blind tradition, history, culture, atheism, and belief.

I am always interested in Japanese gender roles, and love to see the men's total unconcernedness about wearing women's slip-on flats, headbands, etc. The other day I saw one of the male teachers in gym-wear, and he chose neon PINK shorts (which begs the obvious question, who is making neon pink shorts for men, and what is the demographic they're targeting?). Not to mention the lovely boys' hairstyles. God, I love that part of Japan.

But now that I'm in THE COUNTRY OF ANIME AND MANGA (omg I just typed "mange" by mistake wow Japan), I need to get with the program and maybe, you know WATCH SOME ANIME AND MANGA. You know, the ones ACTUALLY ON OR BESIDE MY COMPUTER. Argh. Self, I cannot believe you're choosing to not watch anime in favor of reading REALLY BAD SENTINEL FIC.
::criez at lack of brain quality control::

Oh but some Sentinel eps downloaded! (God, there I go again.) Like 4 episdoes in just one night last night, after having like 20 stalled for weeks! So I watched the first minute of 102 and just-- ::cringe:: I mean I knew it was a bad show, I *remember* being prompted by fandom to watch it, and having to turn away from the SciFi channel and go back to reading DS fic because of the awful interest-killing badness. But I will persevere bravely onward in my neverending pursuit of the gay! (In a way that I don't think I will for SGA because of Sentinel's greater OTP, sympathetic characters, and prettiness factors.) ::strikes heroic pose::

Boy came here yesterday! And he was awesome and train-|337 and police-asking and independent liek whoa. I would definitely try other things before making with the police-asking. Not to mention my really bad Japanese. ::dies::

But he made it here! Yay! And didn't like, die in Korea. Which seems like it would be worse, somehow, than dying in other places. But now he is off again to Tokyo to schmooze with the big video game boys.

Oh and he brought me s 3/4 DS DVDS! YAY! With....Vecchio on the cover... But still YAY because now I can replace my two remaining Swedish sub eps, and not have that annoying channel logo in the bottom right of the others. But now I have a *quandary*. Do I go back and replace footage with shiny new? Hmmm. I think I am too lazy. Yey? I'm mostly done with the vid except for compression/aspect ratio issues. So maybe I'll have a big and small version? Does anyone have any thoughts? Um, because the big one is like 60 mb. Or is that okay in this broadband day and age? There are vids like that out there! Only, mostly, they're really *good* vids...

Well, I have my internets back!!!! YAY!!! They came in the mail yesterday. And the router Boy brought is finally working with the modem.
Wheeeeeeee! ::twirls cord-free laptop around the room::

I finally got around to friending J house people instead of just sometime lj-stalking them, because I like my friends list to be full of real friends. I keep my reading list separate from my friends list. So for me (unlike some other fandom people) my friends list is not like a subscription to my favorite fic authors, but more like an *interest list*.

I'm interested in these people because I know them in real life or because they've expressed interest in me online. There's other fandom people on lj that I'm interested in too but I would never take the liberty of friending them before they friended me because, I don't know, it seems too personal somehow. There are a lot of confusion and hurt feelings over the term "friending" when people use their friends list for vastly different purposes and have different meanings attached to the term.

But I almost never read my friends page. I prefer to read lj entries in context, and, again, keep my (mental) reading list separate from my friends list. I would like my friends list to be a list of people that I know in some fashion and like, or people that have friended me. So yes. That is the meaning I attach to "friending." Just to be clear. I felt the need to rant after all the defriending kerfluffles lately. If I ever defriend you, it will be because I've stopped being interested in you or no longer feel comfortable interacting with you, not because I've stopped liking your fic, or lj writing style or whatever.

I love introducing colorguard to all the ignorant Japanese yay! Spread the guard love! Even if mom did send me the novice and junior class instead of my high school show. ::headdesk:: I just show the college show, even though the sound is frustratingly very weak on some AV systems. And, uh hate to say it, but it's not as shiny as the high school show. We had *money* in high school. Man, I never appreciated the band boosters as much as when we were trying to figure out transportation to championships last year.

Speaking of gloves (guard, guard gloves, keep up), could someone explain to me the etymology of that netspeak word "glove"? I've obviously deduced that its meaning is also "love" but the mystery of its etymology was bothering me and urbandictionary was no help when I looked. Is it "great love" just perverted into a verb sometimes?

rl, picspam

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