In which I am drawn once again into the web of the Johnny's Boys

Feb 02, 2007 23:13

What an awesome ep!

And hahaha, when Domyoji got Akira and Nishikado to give Little Brother a makeover with like a manicure and a mud mask and a ROSE PETAL BATH?

F4 is SO GAY. Or rather, I love how they and other Japanese men completely unselfconsciously appropriate Western markers of femininity and no one thinks it makes them less manly.

I miss Nishikado's shiny silver belt matching his earrings from last episode, but Domyoji had a red coat that looked kind of Mary Tyler Moore-ish.

It was so cute the way the boys were arranging Susumu's hair in different funny ways. You know when F4 was growing up they had sleepovers together where they braided hair and painted nails.

I'm totally serious. Have you *seen* Domyoji's blue toenails and sparkly fingernails?

I'm sure Shizuka/Tsubaki/Akira's mother helped them. Heee. And I wonder how many times a month F4 usually went to the spa together. God I love them.

But apart from the shallow observations, this episode had stuff! That happened!

Rui confesses to Makino! Domyoji confesses to Makino (yay)! Rui and Domyoji fight! Rui proves that Domyoji's fighting is really just as bad as it appears! Rui playing the violin of unrequited love! The MatsuJun trembly lip of emotional turmoil!

Maybe they'll go in the other direction now, with Domyoji being faithful and in love and Makino hurting him with indifference and another romantic partner. And Rui being pretty and wangsty as usual. Mmm, sign me up!

I've been reading the manga, and in a sidebar the artist talks about how her fans and her assistants are violently divided on whether Makino should end up with Rui or Domyoji. And she says, "...Isn't there a way I can have the three of them living happily together?" I like the way she thinks! (Hmm, this also makes me want to finish Marmalade Boy.)

I started reading the manga because purists were like "omg you dorama freaks read the MANGA." But... I don't think the manga is as enjoyable as the dorama. I'm only about halfway through the manga, but I liked Makino's family much better in the dorama. Also, the constant verbal assaults on Makino's chastity seem uncomfortably patriarchal to me. Another thing I found annoying was that the character designs were all so similar that we had to be told whether someone is pretty or not, whether two people look alike or not, because those things don't correspond to the reality of their character designs.

In the past two weeks I've been watching lots. Thank god for I've been diligently devouring the work of Yamappi, MatsuJun, KimuTaku, and Oguri Shun. I know, I know, it's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.

I just finished Kurosagi and I really enjoyed it. Newsflash: Yamappi is *entirely too HOT*. I liked how the relationships were complicated, both morally and emotionally, and the way the ending was unresolved and left the field WIDE-OPEN for fic. ::coughhint::

Good Luck was enjoyable if a little cheesy. The two leading men had ENORMOUS CHEMISTRY. They were *constantly* about to have sex and eyefucking all the time. OUTSTANDING. But the plot was kind of weak. KimuTaku's angst was very well-done, if somewhat unconvincingly resolved. Koda-Captain carried the guilt off well, but it still had an idiotic cause. So he was sick *one day* twelve years ago and the plane he was supposed to pilot crashed. Get over it! I kept wanting to shout at him: "YOU HAD. A COLD. OMG." What a drama queen. (Hee!)

Now I'm watching Summer Snow, where Oguri Shun is being ADORABLE as a deaf boy. <333

Gokusen 2 is a rather boring rehash so far (ep 5), but Jin is pretty hello. And haha the first episode was fun how they made it seem like Kame was in sex slavery and Yankumi was going to buy him up with yakuza money! Heeee.

Long Vacation = AWESOME.

I started watching it like 2 weeks ago after watching latest Hanadan, and it started me back down this slippery dorama slope.

KimuTaku in this = HOT. HOT. And also HOT. The romantic relationship reminded me of Kimi wa Petto except the roles were reversed. The dialogue was so realistic, it was amazing. It sounded like improv or something--how did they script that? It was just so much like real life, it was like--it could happen to you too irl! And I loved the two main characters bunches.

I think my ranking doramas are now
1. Kimi wa Petto
2. Nobuta wo Produce
3. Long Vacation
4. GTO--my first dorama and still great

Hah, my favorites really tell a lot about me, don't they.

I'm totally making a Long Vacation vid one of these days after I get off my ass and finish the RayK one. I found the perfect song. I don't care if no one will watch it! OHTEEPEEEE!

Sigh, I should do those S&H and Jump St. picspams I've had planned for ages... And finish American Gothic... Or! I could watch more doramas...


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