Hand Porn is Love

Nov 14, 2006 18:04

So I finally watched The Interview. And I am in awe. Not of Callum's skill at answering questions, because his speaking style was kind of dull, and he didn't really give that many exciting insights into his process or Canadian cinema. At least, not exciting for normal people. For rabid fangirls, there were *tons* of exciting stuff, which everyone has already commented upon.

No, what I was impressed by was the same thing that makes all the fangirls rabid in the first place: how goddamn HOT he is doing ANYTHING. Even like constantly scratching his fleabites or whatever. And when he was like poking his finger into his DARLING EAR. These things would be disgusting on other people, right? But when he's not being hot, he's being adorable. SOMEHOW. Even playing *golf*.

I *hate* golf.

The alchemy of his appeal continues to confound explanation. Because he's *not* pretty anymore, and his hair is strange... but he's just so *painfully* hot.

And how awesome was the director for showing us Callum's Body, Now in Triple Vision Theater!

I was relieved to hear that he himself didn't want to play creeps anymore, although it seems as though he's continuing to do so because those are the parts he's offered. But, man. We want to love you, Callum! Give us characters to love!

I also watched the end of Doctor Who finally, and I mean, I kind of knew they were getting rid of Rose, but I just can't believe it. The whole emotional center of the show so far has been the epic love story of Rose and The Doctor. And then that's just gone, after we've invested all this emotional energy in it. I just can't think what they'll replace it with that will make up for it.
And anyway ROSE! I *love* Rose! Wah! She's the one we all identify with, the normal girl who goes on an extraordinary adventure! Oh, Rose. Go be in parallel Torchwood and kick so much ass that dimensions themselves bend to your chavtastic will!

Man, Eccleston and Billie Piper were both so afraid of being typecast. Like that's the worst thing that could happen. LAME.

doctor who, ckr

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