Avon is pretty.

Jul 17, 2006 21:31

It is rainy and will be 梅雨ish for weeks bah. And I had to walk to the far away grocery store and bring home many groceries so as to avoid that pesky starvation business.

But! When I returned, there was Blake's 7, and *speaking* of falling into someone's arms...

This is the second time it's happened for Blake and Avon. They're all arguing and verbally sparring and then Avon is all whoops let me help you out there, Blake, and still arguing adorably.

Then Blake uses the huge computer to

demonstrate his awesome football diagram-making skills -- and also relate his battle strategy. Hee. I feel like doing an inspiring locker room chant just looking at it.

The plot of this episode is that Princess Nipples

brings Blake and ScorpiusTravis down to her planet and makes them fight each other with machetes and pointy sticks.

The crew watches them on the viewscreen (rather like that Kirk vs. Godzilla ep there, isn't it),

but when Avon takes advantage of a lull in the activity to get some sleep, he's immediately accused of being unfeeling.

GAN: Have you ever cared for anyone?

VILA: Except yourself.

AVON: I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care. Or indeed why it should be necessary to prove it at all.

That right there is why I'm falling in love with Avon. That and his shoulderwings. Did I mention that I love them? Because I DO. They are ridiculously lovely!

Later Blake and Travis fight, and Blake has Travis at his mercy. Blake's crew is all "Kill him!" but the camera shows Avon, slowly shaking his head. Avon, the director is saying, is the only one who knows Blake's inner nature well enough to predict his actions.

I'm also really liking the women. They're strong smart characters, they kick ass, and no one treats them like girls. And so far, Jenna and Cally are kind of slashy. (I really like Cally.)

But the most important part of Blake's 7 is, of course, that

Avon is pretty.

blake's 7, rl, picspam

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