Watch closely as the Social Butterfly emerges from its chysalis...

Jul 10, 2006 17:07

Wow. This weekend.

I had so much fun.

First of all the Due South chat was *awesome* and I'm so glad I didn't miss it in another attack of home repair.

I started chatting at about 3 PM Saturday, around when it started, and we watched things and it was yay until like 6 PM when I had to *leave* to go to a party WOE.

But the party, to say goodbye to departing JETS, was OMG hilariously fun. I'm going to miss so many of these people next year. SAD.

So then I came *back* around midnight and immediately got on chat again. And I stayed on until 5 AM. Can you blame me???

I went to sleep then, and slept for 5 hours until 10 AM, the first HCL screening, and then there was the commentary screening, and then there was S&A and COTW commentary and omg FUN FUN FUN.

So Sunday I stayed on chat for 14 hours from 10 AM to midnight. And I was SO GOOD - I exited AIM at midnight. And I was going to go to bed. Really. But see, all weekend I had been downloading awesome things that I was unable to watch because of chatting and watching other awesome things. (Though I did watch a good Superman cam Saturday morning. But I found the movie too Jesus-y and obvious. And the whole Christ-like figure Superman didn't work for me because he didn't feel like a real person in this movie, just a collection of signifiers blatantly telegraphed by the filmmakers, so I didn't feel for him as much as, say, Spiderman. And of course the writers ruined Lex.)

But ANYWAY, the Gay Mormon had downloaded in the meantime, and I just could not resist his siren call. So from midnight to 2 AM or so I watched it. And omg you guys. It's like someone made a movie just for me. It's like they sat down and were like, "Hm, how many of Fenlings's kinks can we hammer?" I mean they didn't get the crossdressing or make-up kink, and the love confession was poorly acted, but everything else was SO MUCH LOVE YAY.

I don't want to spoil you, so I'll just show this one cap.

So. Pretty.

Hm, what's that? Oh whoops, looks like my capping finger slipped.

Hee, I'm giving one of my teachers all these gay movies (+MWB, just because I have no self-control), and this is SO going to be one of them.

So even though I think I had a grand total of 9 hours sleep on Saturday and Sunday night combined, it was completely worth it. I just had to keep reminding myself of that today.

ds, rl, picspam

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