Wow, that king is fucked up

Jul 04, 2006 16:46

Even with watching Colbert and TDS sporadically, I'm probably way behind on my current events, but I was reading about some of the the shit that Bush is doing, and I saw this scathing anti-war flash, which reminded me of Aja's post on Southern Conservatives, and then I was rehashing some old stuff about the media and Colbert.

All of this led to me buying a Stewart/Colbert '08 T-shirt. My boobs are my billboards!

I recently bought a 500 GB Maxtor internal HD as well. I HOPE IT WORKS OMG. After the past two Western Digital ones I got just totally failed and were retarded, I am so LEERY of entrusting my data!

I had heard about this Korean movie, The King and the Clown, a while ago, but I *totally* forgot about it. Until eagle-eyed glaphix found it being released on Silent Regrets and told me about it YAY. I really enjoyed it, even if I enjoyed the beginning half more than the later half, and the ending was kind of lame ambiguous. It was just *such* emo porn, and gayness and prettiness and awww.

Hm, I've been thinking about doing some baking. But of course there are like zero mixes in the store, and my microwave/oven only goes to 250 degrees. Today as I was leaving work, I realized that that was probably 250 degrees Celsius, which is a much better range of temperature. I don't know why the concept seems so odd to me, but it's just *completely* foreign to think of cooking in Celsius!

links, rl

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