More Random Oversharing

May 30, 2006 21:32

Again, stuck at desk. There's only so much working on fics, reading fics, and studying kanji that I can do.

It's weird. I don't really have that many OTPs. Like a pairing where it makes me uncomfortable to see them in a situation where there is no hope for them to get together. In fact I know that F/K is my main one. I'm really having problems with the F/K/V movement. I mean usually, I'm all for threesomes. No really. I LOVE THREESOMES. Usually when I encounter a romantic triangle of any kind my FIRST and LAST reaction is PLEASE ALL HAVE SEX TOGETHER NOW. (Witness the in-progress "The Others" OT3 fic on my hard drive.) And please form a triad and be nauseatingly happy and in love and society-defying and the most stable structure in nature is the triangle or something. Can you tell that Mercedes Lackey's "Bedlam's Bard" (which REMAINS SEQUELLESS no matter what some unscrupulous booksellers may try to tell you) keeps being like seriously my favorite book in the world for months at a time. OMG.

So because I usually love threesomes and I don't like F/K/V, I can only attribute the dislike to a dislike of breaking up my OTP. Because, okay, part of it is that I don't want to see Ray Vecchio have sex (I'm sorry! He is mad sexy! It's just. No.) but with the beautiful writing and characterization of these F/K/V fics, usually that would overcome any visual squick I had about a character. I mean I did quite enjoy Blue Champagne's Turnbull/Fraser/Kowalski threesome series, and Turnbull is a character that, prior to reading her version of him, I would never have wanted to see in a sexual situation ever. No, ever. But in that case, he was clearly subservient to the F/K pairing, and no threat to it. And I think that's really the only Due South OT3 fic that I've liked.

I guess the RayWars fallout has conditioned me to see Vecchio in a sexual relationship with Fraser or Kowalski as a threat to F/K, no matter if he's having sex with both of them at once. I mean, I would self-identify as a militant RayK separatist even now. F/K fics are what got me into this fandom, and there were the usual Vecchio character assassinations among them, so I'm sure I had prejudice. I do love Vecchio an awful lot after watching him, and I love Vecchio and Fraser's relationship a great deal. (I even love *Dewey* sometimes after watching him instead of just reading about him.) And I love how queer Vecchio suddenly is in CotW and all his interesting undercover issues.

But while I would like to agree with joandarck was saying about the One True Friendship of F/V, I don't know. I mean I *would* like to see it, but it just seems that the Kowalskis would make any kind of interaction between the couples awkward post-CotW. Vecchio and Fraser could go off together and talk, but as far as any regular socializing? I just don't see their buddy-buddy dynamic being the same after such a long absence and such life-changing events, even discounting the Rays' uncomfortableness with each other and any RayK insecurity. I think they'll always love each other *so much*, but I just don't see them as the kind of friends who grow old together and have houses in the same neighborhood and raise their kids together. I think they've moved past the time in their lives where they could be together. Not just geographically, but also in that the big thing that united them, their thirst for justice, has pretty much been fulfilled on both their parts.

I do love how incestuous it is that Fraser and Stella basically switch partners. But basically, I just don't want Vecchio all up in my F/K.

This OTPness is so *strange* to me. Apart from my precocious elementary school dabbling in online Highlander fandom, my first introduction to online fandom was through anime fandom. Now anime fandom is full of teen fangirls who write anatomically questionable sex and use annoying fangirl japanese and are RABID about OTPs. It's *insane*. But none of that really touched me. I mean I love 1x2, but I don't *have* to see them together, and I freaking *adore* 1x2x5 and 1x2xR, wherein Heero and Duo incorporate into their relationship a person who could threaten to break it up (in an obvious parallel to Vecchio and F/K, especially with the vicious Relena hatred from the 1x2 OTPers). It's more fanon habit than anything that makes me default to 1x2 and 3x4 as my Gundam Wing pairings. I've certainly been convinced otherwise by many a compellingly-written fic. Ditto with Weiss Kreuz, where I really do love YohjixAya, but am perfectly able to be convinced otherwise. In both those situations, however, I honestly did not see much canon evidence for the pairing.

I am rather OTPish about K/S and John/Aeryn. (But somehow that's different because that's canon. Although, heh. Star Trek canon.) I mean I can *see* the appeal of the John/Chiana or the John/D'Argo or the Spock/McCoy, or even the K/S/M, but that doesn't mean I want to *see* it. I steer very far away indeed from anything that doesn't end up K/S and John/Aeryn. But I don't really read that much Farscape and Star Trek anyway. With things like Starsky and Hutch or The Sentinel, I feel like it's not a true test of my OTP feelings to put the characters with someone else, because there's no other options that make sense emotionally. I think the reason I couldn't believe it is because it's just impossible for the characters, not because I really love them together. It just seems out of character, bad writing, to have Starsky and Hutch or Jim and Blair, etc. end up with someone other than their partner. Unless you're deviating from the standard romance formula and are writing an bittersweet story of personal growth or a tragedy or something.

But when Due South catapulted me back into pure English-speaking fandom 2 years ago, it was on the strength of love that I have for F/K. Ray/Ray has been known to make me cry because of poor baby Fraser. Like I can see that it's hot. I can even *find* it hot. But I can't *enjoy* it, and I sure don't go seeking it out. I suffer through it for the good writing. And while F/K/V may seem to solve the Fraser Problem while maintaining the hotness of Ray/Ray, I still can't enjoy it. And the only reason my instincts give is OOOHH TEEE PEEEEEEEEE!

::shakes head:: The workings of any fangirl brain, even my own, are a mystery to me still.


Despite, as I said, a young flirtation with online HL fandom, I really came to online fandom through anime. But nowadays I can't get motivated to watch anime (IN JAPAN!), even ones I really liked before. Maybe it's just that I follow the slash and good, strong, compelling friendships, and I'm finding that more nowadays in, oh, SG1 and S&H fic, for example. And maybe since I'm not *reading* about the good stories in anime, I don't want to watch the good stories in anime canon. Even though I get recs from friends and hear about good new series and stuff. Who knew that DS fiction could be such a slippery slope? (Hah, says everyone about HP fiction who came into it straight from GW fic. ::wiggles fingers::) For example, I never even watched past the first episode of "Legend of Basara." Err, even when I was still *watching* other anime. (Sorry, kioku! I have it all dled if you want copies!)


I used to do a lot of theater, put on my own plays in elementary after-school care. Like our own versions of Fiddler, Sound of Music, Phantom, Beauty and the Beast, etc. My most vivid memory of preschool is acting out the beginning of "The Little Mermaid" with other girls. And I did community theater in middle school, and school musicals in high school and college. Now, some Nara ALTs are trying to put on a play: "Our Day Out," but it's like impossible to get the score or the film version or anything. Bah. It's British, and we're all supposed to be Liverpudlian, so I guess I'll listen to a lot of Beatles and do my, err, *homage* to a British accent. I'm Linda though, so I get to be slutty and in love with Sir. Too bad I didn't bring any short skirts...


I used to also wear a lot of jewelry in elementary school, but I never wear any nowadays. My mom wears a lot of jewelry. But. It just feels like too much work to coordinate. Like in high school, I used to have these outfits with matching hairstyles and accessories, matching makeup colors and styles, and matching jewelry. God, but it's exhausting even to think about.


Goddamn. I want to go home in August, but.

Fucking Obon! Screwing up my ticket prices to go home. ::raises fists:: OBOOOOOOOOON!

meta, ds, rl

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