(no subject)

Aug 20, 2005 02:03

"Robin of Sherwood" is so good! Chaos and moral ambiguousness yay! One episode ends with a woman being happily reunited with her neighbors who condemned her as a witch. o.O Another ends with Robin causing some Templars to be kicked out of their order and letting a troublesome thief go free. And Robin kills people all the time! It is awesome. He is so pretty. The whole show is *pretty*. It tells most of the story visually. This leaves SO MUCH ROOM for fic. ::meaningful cough:: It goes straight to the pretty, evocative, archetypal parts and skips all the usual "exposition" and "narration" and "fully showing each plot point" and "dialogue." Which is good, because the dialogue tends to be like:

ROBIN: What must I do?!

HERNE (bellowing sage mentor voice): Act...Without...Thinking!

LOL. In fact, the Sheriff is the only character who makes a habit of thinking before action and making plans. Which tells you a lot about our heroes right there. I like the Sheriff--he's a really smart and interesting character. And I like the way this show doesn't try to whitewash the era (and, you know, actually has an era with historical details and everything). Although our heroes are clearly preferable, no one is really innocent, and being an outlaw is not the rollicking good time of other Robin Hood stories. Already, three of Robin's men have been killed, and he and his band have killed many guards. I am continually reminded that Robin and his gang are criminals. But they are such pretty little terrorists and I loooove them.

Haha even the Templars couldn't resist the special shininess of Robin's sword.

TEMPLAR: ::holds his sword to Robin's throat:: [talks in French]

EVERYONE (including "Norman" Sheriff): Wha...?

TEMPLAR: I *said*, that's a pretty sword you have there. ::YOINK::


And after Robin gave them back their shiny gold thing, they still wouldn't give back his sword. So in revenge, he *destroyed them*.

ROBIN: ::cackles as melts down shiny gold thing::

TWO TEMPLARS (the only two left alive??--in smallclothes perched on one horse): ::cry:: ::run away::

Seriously, that sword makes people lose their senses.

Oh, Gildas got a shout out! Nottingham said that Gildas had written of the silver magickal arrow that Robin inherited from his father. Haha I think that's so ironic, that a presumably Celtic sacred object is in the hands of the Anglo-Saxons that Gildas fucking hated more than anything in the world (except his countrymen who failed to unite and stop them). Although, Robin may have Celtic blood. All we know is that he's not Norman, and there *was* intermarriage between Celts and Saxons. Meh. Sherwood forest is pretttty.

I watched the first episode of "Blake's 7," and while I'm certainly impressed with the writers' ruthlessness and Serious Storytelling skillz, it was so dour! It wasn't fun to watch and I don't care about anyone yet. Move faster, story! I found it hard to believe that they would put one woman in the holding cell with like a dozen men who were hardened criminals, no matter how sedated everyone is or how respected she is. Can we say "gang rape"? Sheesh. I thought the special effects were very commendable for the time it was made, and got the job done, but were rather silly. At the trial, I had this surreal vision of Ray the Angry Clown juggling the evidence and judgement balls. Thank you, Speranza.

OMG *Ben Bass* was on "21 Jump Street!" (Vachon from "Forever Knight") Yay! He was only on for a second, and was so *young* I would have had trouble recognizing him if it hadn't been for his trademark omgwtf *out of control* eyebrows. They were even worse when he was young! ::giggles uncontrollably::

Apparently Johnny will Protect Our Right not to have our lockers searched. Dude that's illegal? He needs to go to Veronica Mars' school and tell them...

Ohhhh, crossover... ::imagines the possibilities:: OMG cheesiness! But I can't resist... It could be a TWT (timeline what timeline?) where Johnny is still 21 and still going undercover. It could be OlderandWiserCop!Johnny taking over the Sheriff's office or helping out his buddy Keith Mars. Or it could be PrivateInvestigator!Johnny coming into town on a case of his own... Ooooh. ::stops now::

Heh. Oh, Johnny said "damn" and no Voice from Above overrided him! I wonder why the dubbing is so spotty. The orange-faced teachersex was hot, mostly because I like the idea of Johnny being a boytoy. ::smiles so pretty::

Preppy Episode! The episode that proves that the *only* reason we keep Johnny around is for eyecandy. Not even the preppies like him! They like Peter. Because Peter is SMRT OMG. I so don't believe his excuse that it was the only book he read. He likes to READ! He has HIDDEN DEPTHS YAY! And Peter and Johnny going undercover at a private high school together? It's like Gundam Wing 1x2 high school fics all over again. ::happysigh::

Lt. Ben Kreig from SeaQuest was in this episode. That threw me for a bit of a loop. The episode ended with him shooting Josh Brolin who raped and murdered his sister. We didn't see the brother get punished, so in TV speak that means it was a happy ending and he was justified (and maybe got away with it). Uh, disturbing? As Jenko said (wearing his omgwtf *popped* *fleece* collar), "What goes around comes around." ::waves tattered "vigilante justice" flag dubiously:: Jeez, enforce the law much?

I swear, the earrings just *keep getting better*. Ioki's sword earring? Guh. He is a pretty man. Peter taking a girl's earring and putting it in his own ear? Even better. I love how the body-decoration is a social introduction, like passing a joint. And I love how the girls like him more than they like the popular boys because he tries on the earring. Boy earring culture! One of the only good things from the 80s, and does it survive? No. ::criez::

Speaking of the 80s, I watched the last two episodes of season two of "Beauty and the Beast," and now I remember why I love this show. There's woobie!Vincent and savage!Vincent and matricidal!Vincent and hopelesslyinlove!Vincent and noblyself-sacrificing!Vincent and ponfarr!Vincent and deepinnerconflict!Vincent. Squee. There were so many good Vincent+Father moments, and VincentxCathy moments.

I know the show can be corny, and it's always emotionally manipulative and melodramatic, but I REALLY LIKE IT OK YES. Even though I see how they're manipulating me, I can't help but fall for it.

VINCENT: ::has traumatic revelation/gets beaten up/has Inner Conflict/is ostracized for his appearance::

ME: ::throws pocky at computer:: Oh, come on! They're just doing that so that Cathy can-- Aw! Poor baby! AWWWWW!
::dissolves into incoherent squeals of empathy::
::eats pocky for comfort::

I can't believe how hott Fake Methos can be as Vincent in torment. Yum. (I call Ron Perlman that because that's the first character I saw him play before I knew his name.) I could so vid him, but I need a good song. Suggestions?

Okay, quick "Jeremiah" question. When he's being all tortured by Valhalla Sector, Jeremiah says "There are a lot of other bases out there just like this one. They all probably have their own president!" So, they only destroy the thousands of people (and all their |337 old world knowledge) in *this* base. What about the other ones? Aren't they still going to claim to be the government? And what about the children who must have survived the Valhalla Big Death. Where are they? Hmm. I feel like the loose ends of Valhalla Sector were left hanging so we could move on to Daniel. And all these evol groups starting out with such good intentions is kinda ominous for the Western Alliance isn't it? Oh, I forgot, Marcus is incorruptible. Mmm, but Jeremiah in jail and tortured and angsty is VERY PRETTY YES.

I wonder if Frank or Brian wrote this. JIM LIVES!

I just finished the latest book in Laurell K. Hamilton's Meredith Gentry series, and I have to say that she has accomplished the tough job of convincing me that having an elfsex harem full of the most beautiful and angsty men in the world is a Very Good Thing. I find it hard to believe, however, that none of these ancient, not-bound-by-human-rules, been-through-hell-together, former *gods*, have no homosexual feeling for each other. They have very strong homosocial and physical bonds, but little sexual feeling. Granted, they've all been sexually abused and forcibly repressed, but they don't even really *talk* about any homosexual feelings or past encounters (and, yeah, they don't like to talk about the past at all so it's possible) and statistcally speaking... Even Merry says she doesn't like women as a rule, and she has had sex with a woman (even though it was weird and she, like, became the essence of masculinity or something). And if, as Merry says, promiscuity is the way to go to revitalize faerie, I expect to see A LOT MORE GAY ELFSEX. Not that I'm complaining. I adore these books; they're like reading fanfic. (In a good way! Like smut candy!)

My anime is still unwatched, and more of it is burned unwatched now (something I try not to do) to make room for "Beauty and the Beast," "Blake's 7," "Jeremiah," "Robin," and "The Sentinel." ::facepalm::

I didn't feel the earthquake. An alarm went off for like 2 minutes and that was the end of it. Yay for not dying.

Also yay for my printer coming! Now I only have to wait for my keyboard... ::criez at extreme slowness of typing::

I took the train (by myself!) and climbed this Hill of Death to get to Nishi Chugakkou. It is the smallest school, but it looks fine if I can just *get* there without *dying*. The Principal was very cute and making conversation about kanji homophones and I told him some lame English ones.

I'm working on a Fraser angst vid (I know, way out on a limb for me), but it is Not Going Well. I can't seem to get in the zone, and am convinced right now that the vid sucks like a giant sucking thing. A giant ball of suckiness. ::weeps:: Everything I do either seems too *obvious* or irrelevant, and I'm having a bit of a time finding clips. I have about 1 min out of 5 vidded, so I have a LOT of work left to do. ::is daunted:: I'm just glad that my *job* isn't interfering with my work yet.

beauty and the beast, vidding, jeremiah, jump street, ros

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