(no subject)

Mar 12, 2006 19:45

The latest House. Oh wow. They practically put a giant credit at the end of it: ANDTHENTHEYHADSEX. I mean that's such a common slashfic premise. And the preview has them being all odd-couple CUTE next episode. Wheee. Also, Wilson's hair has grown out enough so that it almost looks attractive again! *Priorities*, people.

Supernatural! OH GOD. I was curled up in front of the screen biting my own wrist so I could hear what was going on over my cries of "DEEEEEEEEAN!"

GOD. GOD. His big emotional confession to Sam. I can't. I don't usually fangirl this show; I just watch it. But this episode. DEAN. WOOBIE. LOVE!

Also DADDY! I LOVE DADDY! He's so gruff and awesome, and it was so cute with their "yes, sir"s. And then SAM and DADDY and AWWWWWW. <333

I'm not usually very attracted to the brothers, but the blood made all the Winchesters Very Pretty Indeed.

And I don't really. I'm not normally one of those Jensen fangirls, but... DEAN + BLOOD = SO SO BEAUTIFUL. God. I think I need wallpaper.

In vidding news, the Methos vid is pretty much done, but I'm having title sequence Issues because I am lame and indecisive. Sigh. Anyone know any exciting communities where I should announce it when it's finished?

supernatural, house

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