Feb 23, 2006 20:24

I went to to look something up and came across this shocking promotional photo.


Charlie looks shocked, too. Did Don just goose him or something?

Ah, first season brothercest. Those were the days.

I've actually been very pleased with Numb3rs of late. Amita got actual character development. THE MIND BOGGLES. And Charlie's hair has resolved itself into a fairly attractive nimbus (finally). I may be slightly obsessed with his hair. Okay. At least I don't have the hots for Don's forearms like apparently everyone else in the fandom. I still miss Wade though. She was *smoking* hot as Terry, and made the character seem like a real person too.

And oh my Jesus is the Charlie/Larry going strong. They are *married* now. jekesta was so right. Just the constant flirting and shippiness and *happily marriedness* of them and the way they tease each other... I mean, I'll always like the dirtybadwrong of the brothercest because of the built-in angst, but the Charlie/Larry the show is giving us is just so delicate and complex and *grown-up* a love... Aw, it's just so sweet. Dotty professors and their mathlove, holding chalk-covered hands. <3

Pictures! Naturally, after that promotion photo I went to look at the other Numb3rs pictures on and this is what they showed me.



That's like, Rob Morrow's *default picture* on Like when you look up an actor's name, "oh Rob Morrow that name sounds familiar, I'll probably recognize his face, hello buh?"

He could not look like a bigger dork if he tried. Man, he looks like he belongs at a *Weezer concert* or something. He looks like my *little brother* (who is, hi, thirteen, has a myspace account, and is in a self-proclaimed emo band, God love him.) Standing there with his legs all *braced open* like a cowboy. And even my brother never wore a fugly sweater like that.

...DORK! I think I need an icon. Oh, man.


I just ate gyoza. Twelve of them. Um.

I was cooking them, right, (actual cooking! go me!) and they come in packs of 12 and I was like "Oh, I'll just eat 6 and put the other 6 in the fridge for later," but apparently NO, gyoza are like *Pringles,* and even *with* rice I just couldn't stop.

And now it seems that I've developed this concrete association between gyoza and otakucat2 because she likes them so much, so I was sitting at the kitchen table eating and moaning things like, "Food of the gods, oh my God, Hada, you need to eat these--"

And seeing how my dinner usually consists of, um, bread? Maybe a pastry? Sometimes a sandwich? (I don't want to spend time away from the *computer* doing things like, oh, *being in the kitchen.*) this gyoza binge is a BIG DEAL for my stomach. Yay.

My birthday was yesterday, and a student baked me cupcakes (so cute!), a teacher gave me a tin of pastries, and many people wished me happy birthday in writing. (It helped that we had just done an ichi-nensei birthday lesson.) Now I am older! I successfully pushed the earth around the sun for another year!


The Methos vid is about halfway done. Yay! (OMG forget that "short song" stuff I was saying; three minutes is a *long time.*)

I can't stop reading SG-1 fics. Someone help! I don't even like this show!

numb3rs, rl

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