::falls over::

Feb 06, 2006 21:42

Well, my Dad and brother finally left yesterday after the Week of Extreme Sightseeing Japan XTREME. (!!!)

I need a vacation.

I also decided to stay on next year after much Recontracting and Career Angst. (/drama)

It was really good to see Dad and Brother again, but tiring and stressful having to be tourguide/translator girl. Luckily Boy took over when we visited Tokyo. ::pats Boy:: But it turns out that we left the kotatsu turned on for the whole like 2 days we were in Tokyo. My mother's voice is *screaming* in my head about fire. ::lifts up the futon to look for sparks on the tatami in paranoia:: With all the heating that's been going on with all the rooms in use plus the kotatsu marathon, I don't think I really wanna see my power bill. Sigh. The apartment was SO CLEAN right before they came. You have no idea. It was beautiful. Maybe I'll get the energy one of these days to restore it to its Former Glory. ::flops in front of laptop::

Today, the day after they left, it started snowing, and I've come down with an awful cold. Joy. At least it didn't happen when I was gallivanting around the country. ::sniffs::

Dad and Brother seemed to enjoy the Xtreme Sightseeing X-eXtrEME (I just automatically say that in my bad-fighter-game-narration voice. Huh.) but they also apparently came to Japan for the express purpose of watching American TV. Just like me!! Between the laptop, the portable DVD player they brought, and the television it was like a media cafe.

I had given Season 1 of Rescue Me to Dad for Christmas, but it was 13-year-old Brother who really got hooked on it and demanded to see all of the second season OMG RIGHT NOW DOWNLOAD FASTER. I wasn't surprised at his fanboy power, because he's really into D&D and LotR, etc. I was surprised a little that he liked *Rescue Me*, and I think he'll get more out of it when he's older. But yay.

Dad was happy madly devouring my Season 3/4 Due South DVDs. I don't know when *he* turned into a fanboy. o.O

::wins at pimpage::

I really need to get my burning organized, do my Jump Street picspam posts (::beats down pretty pretty Jump Street vidbunnies::), and start vidding the Methos vids (not yet, Blair, geez... go read a book or something). And then there is the Persuaders vid. And all those Due South vids. And Gundam Wing. And, hello, vidbunnies for fandoms I HAVEN'T SEEN THE SOURCE FOR.

Ooo, I was just reading about the grammatical construction of the above capitalized phrase and Dryden and ::waves hand:: stuff on wiki and - it was really interesting. ::nods earnestly::





I think this is the first actual paper book I have read since HBP in the summer. Wheel of Time Book 10 has been glaring at me *really hard* from the shelf for like 3 years, and oh, hi Silmarillion and Judith Tarr and um....

::toes dirt::

::points sheepishly at shiny fic::

So the book was Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (::smiles at glaphix::), of course recently made into a Miyazaki movie, blah blah, and add the strange handicap I have of requiring myself to read the book at least concurrently with if not before any adaptation (hey, it finally got me to read Tolkien...), blah blah = ACTUAL READING OF PHYSICAL PAGES.

So I read it because it was small and fit in my purse on the train to Tokyo. I liked it quite tolerably, but it did end rather abruptly. Predecessor Girl had left both it and its sequel in the apartment, so I've been eyeing the sequel, but I probably won't be able to tear myself away from the luminescent glow of fic. ::stares at the pr0n::

I finally switched to Firefox a couple of months ago, so wow I have literally hundreds of tabs open. ::wins?:: I just got everything all set up, so no WAY am I updating versions, little alert box. Pshhh. The main quibble I have with Firefox is bookmarking, but oh well. Tabs. ::beams lustfully::

To stop this reading actual pages business from ever happening again, I have a newfound desire for a portable device. I hesitate to say PDA, but I like the slate design. I've been looking at the LifeDrive but 4 or even 6 gigs just doesn't seem like enough for all the fics and music I want to access. I basically want something that can access Wireless, can open .mht (A MUST), .html, .doc, .txt, and music (and picture) files, store all my stuff (about 12 gigs of music and docs), and not need recharging for about a day. It would be cool if it could also store and play vids (zip files!). Sure I could probably pare the amount down to 4 or 6 gigs, but I don't want to.

I've been looking at portable media devices too, and they have plenty of *space* but I dunno. Nothing seems *right* for my needs. Am I the only one that wants to listen to lots of music and read lots of stories? (Oooo, *ebooks*.)

Does anyone have any suggestions? Technophiles? Rich people? Bueller?

On a more victorious technological note, I did find a denshijisho in Tokyo which is like Boy's where you can write the kanji in directly with a stylus. It only cost about Y11300.

::gets a +5 on kanji ability... once I get it out of the box::

(Note to self: look up em dash and ellipsis spacing and usage. Grammar is *fun*!)


Calling all Due South fic readers with good memories.

Images from these two fics have been haunting me for - well, at least a year I think. And I can't find them to reread them. Help would be appreciated. ::makes puppy face::

1.) Probably a flashfiction. RayK kisses Fraser and realizes that he's been underwater all this time, drowning in Lake Michigan ever since he drove the flaming Riv into it. And the first time he surfaces, gets a breath of air, and revives is when Fraser kisses him. Or something.

2.) All I really remember is that Fraser gives Ray blowjobs up against the door of the Consulate. Ray doesn't talk about it, doesn't come out and ask for it, and basically pretends it's not happening except for the part where he keeps showing up at the Consulate after hours and fidgeting. Fraser tries to comfort himself by counting the number of times he can get Ray to say his name while Ray has his fingers in Fraser's hair. This is a recurring pattern. I thought for awhile this was Kassandra's "Waiting for the Thaw" and had a good time rereading that, but it wasn't quite the right fic.

Ring any bells?

ETA: the_star_fish found #2! It's Unholstered (with my face to the wall) by Otsoko!

ds, rl

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