(no subject)

Dec 30, 2005 03:43

Dear Japan,

I miss my Hada! For lo, she is snuggley and awesome and hi, in another country.

Yes, you have manga and Hard Gay and like ::waves hand:: employment and stuff. Oh, and Boy is here too, which I will verify tomorrow (hello, Shinkansen, nice to see you again), and yes he is nice, but it's not the same.

My Japan bed is piled high with futons and covered with fuzzy blankets and kotatsu comforters, but it has a severe lack of Hada-snuggles and also of Hada-given bears. And that, Japan? That is not cool.

No love,

PS: A few fun-to-poke Bays would also be appreciated - they double as comfy folding chairs. And why not throw in some snarky Kevins, while you're at it.
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