(no subject)

Aug 09, 2005 18:05

Okay so I was serious when I suggested "Last Sasketchewan Pirate" for part of the proposed pirate colorguard show a couple months ago. But now that I listen to it again, I think it is maybe too...um...*rollicking* for a guard show. Or something. I mean, I love the Arrogant Worms (and DaVinci's Notebook, too, come to think of it), and have for like 2 years now, and when I played their songs for my grandma and aunts in Vermont they loved them too (their humor crosses generational boundaries!), but maybe another kind of song is a better choice for a guard show. Still glad to have spread the Canadian love to guard peeps tho. ^_^ Haha, that reminds me, I wanna see that really dumb looking movie about a Vermont police force where they like, chug maple syrup, etc. It looks so amusing, both intentionally and not.

On a different note, I was watching Numb3rs 107 last night, and Oh My God, people, the incest WRITES ITSELF.

Like seriously, I was all for the incest before (hell my first introduction to the show was reading "Parallel Connections"), but I thought it was more of a "Here are two hot guys in the same show who know each other...that automatically equals slash! Just disregard that whole "related" thing." But NO! I swear, after watching this episode, I really believe that it's canon!

CHARLIE: Why did you never tell me that you cheated on me-- I mean, were engaged to this h0r? ::TEARFUL LOOK::

DON: I didn't know you CARED! ::manful suppression of emotional turmoil::

CHARLIE: But I'm your lover-- I mean, brother!

::emotionally charged silence::

DON: Yeah we were engaged and everything, but *family first* right? But uh, not in any kind of wrong way, because you and me, we're from *different worlds*.

CHARLIE: Different worlds.

DON: Yes! I mean sure we grew up together and now practically live together and work together and, okay! Not so different worlds!

CHARLIE: ::tremulous smile::

And then they sit watching TV with the kind of careful silence that involves not talking about something really painful. Which, granted, for Don is losing his fiancee. He *chose* Charlie and his parents as his family instead of trying to create his own family with a new wife.

But what I don't understand is what *Charlie* is so upset about. (After bringing by the box at 2 AM WTF Charlie! That also speaks to the urgency of his emotional state and the fact that he seems reasonably sure of a positive reception at this hour. And also I guess his desire to have this discussion privately with no chance of interruption.) Charlie is the more emotional of the two in this scene, and I just can't figure out why unless it is the SEKRIT LOVE that he has for his brother. That whole "different worlds" thing is such a laughable attempt on Don's part to excuse and perpetuate the distance between him and Charlie. And why would he *want* to do that unless he had a SEKRIT LOVE for his brother that he felt ashamed of, but he also felt ashamed when he hurt Charlie. Like I really can't imagine what the actors were thinking their motivations were if it had been something other than TWU LOVE. Really, I just...::shakes head::


I can *totally* see how "Parallel Connections" picks up from here. SQUEE!


I haven't read anyone else's wank on the episode, but maybe I'll go over to TWOP and see what they had to say.

On a different fandom note, I HEART VERONICA MARS!
Okay so I'm a little late, but after finishing all the episodes, I'm really impressed with the way they made me *like* the fast switch in the show's OTP from Duncan/Veronica to Logan/Veronica. To get my VM fix, now I've started reading some VM fic, and the first two authors I've read are *amazing*. Passionflows and juliette (sinaddict). I would think that they're among the best in the fandom, but if they're just the normal quality in VM fic, I have to read a lot MORE! ^__^ And I am now in love with the OT3 of V/D/L.

When I compare this to Buffy, Buffy also made me like the switch in the show's OTP from Bangel to Spuffy, but that was not part of the original plan for the series, I'm sure. And I just can't get into the OT3 of B/A/S, mostly because I just don't want to *see* any more of Sarah and David. So I've never read that much Buffy or Angel fic, which I know is just me ignoring some awesome fic that I have bookmarked. But I guess I'm pretty satisfied with the show the way it is, even if there is a huge world to explore and that's pretty much the only way I'll get to see my favorite dead characters.

Oh, Whedonverse! I finished Firefly and it was verra good yay! I can't wait for Serenity! Maybe this movie will mean the series continues. I'm so sick of all my shows being cancelled and not being able to do anything about it. But I love Firefly, my dead gay show where the acronym CSI does not mean stoopid crime show. ::hearts:: Those blue hand people remind me a lot of PsiCorps. Only creepier with no redeeming Bester snark.

On a Real Life TM note, Japan is HOT. And I am NOT GOOD at Japanese. ::cries:: I need to study kanji. But I am too lazy and cannot resist the lure of computer fun. Wheeee.

numb3rs, vm

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