(no subject)

Dec 11, 2005 22:18

Preparing for my Methos vid, I'm rewatching all the Methos episodes. Yay.


I can go with this outfit here, Duncan, okay.

"Finale, pt 1"

But this one - a sweatshirt *inside* a button down shirt. I...I don't think I ever would have thought of that. I love how the shirt is almost totally unbuttoned, too. Hee, now I wanna see him wear the hood.

DUNCAN: Sometimes my jutting brow gets chilly, so I keep a hood handy in case it starts to rain. But I still like to feel pretty, so I wear this smooth, wine-colored shirt on top. I am a man of style.

Some of Amanda's outfits are really odd as well, so I should give him a break. Maybe fashion trends are too speedy and annoying for immortals to keep up with. Heh, Methos tries to go out dancing, but the last time he's been was in the '70s, and his disco suit is all wrong...

This time around, I have to say, Joe is *much hotter*, Methos is (if possible) even more of a beautiful sex god, Duncan makes me want to stab him with a fork most of the time, and Richie is wow okay hotter than he ever seemed to me before, but still *unbelievably* annoying. If he would just keep his mouth shut I think I could stand some Richie porn. Amanda is...Amanda. Sometimes I think she's the sanest character on that show. But I'm glad I only ever watched like 2 episodes of the Raven, because holy totemistic absurdity, Batman. ::pets imaginary Methos Chronicles episodes::

hl, picspam

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