(no subject)

Dec 07, 2005 16:29

That thing with Stella and Mrs. Kowalski being friends, is that canon or fanon? I just read a fic where Mrs. Kowalski never liked Stella and I was like - "but! but!" And then I couldn't come up with a reason except, "all the other kids say she does..."

I just thought of something else. With Joe and Kerry - if you started being overly solicitous or treating them like a cripple, they would be *pissed*. They would hate any demonstration of pity. House actually likes it when people pity him and treat him like a cripple because it makes them easier to manipulate. But also, I think on some level he thinks he *deserves* pity. He's a martyr for the cause of medicine.

His injury was done *to* him, it's not a part of his identity. He's not a man with a bum leg, he's a man whose leg was *stolen*. He's not resigned to it - he hasn't really self-identified as a cripple, internalized it emotionally, so it doesn't hit a sore spot when people call him a cripple the way it would with Kerry and Joe.

Or maybe I'm completely off the mark. I don't know. ::runs to look at all the pretty house wanks on f_w::

ETA: Dude, do Basketball and Figure Skating count as fandoms? And the individual people/pairs/groups/teams?

Because if so, I have a *lot* more fandoms than I thought I did.

And I just realized - this means that *Larry Bird* was my first fandom (along with Sesame St and Mr Rogers). I had his name in giant letters in my room (Giant Green Letters) until - geez - last year? Two years ago? Along with one of those NBA wall people that are huge and play basketball on your wall. I made Larry make a three-pointer. That's like 13 years that stuff was up (mostly I was too lazy to take it down). Basketball pre-Michael's retirement (YES ALL OF IT) makes me hawt.

And don't even get me started on figure skating. That love is still going strong. (Todd! Eldridge! Michelle! Robin Cousins! Yeah, yeah, new people too - Johnny Weir!)

I don't like, write fanfiction or anything. But I did watch that Larry Bird, A Basketball Legend omg SO MANY TIMES as a child. Indiana has a new state bird!

And recently I was able to see Bolero! Finally! (It wasn't freaking on the Torvill and Dean retrospective career thing we taped in 1988 wtf stupid licensing crap.) Icechampions.com is awesome...and it looks like it's no longer online. Le sigh.

hl, ds, house

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