RL and fandom...intermixed!

Dec 06, 2005 17:04

I love House. Don't get me wrong. But it kind of pisses me off how he makes such a big deal out of his leg. Or maybe how the writers make such a big deal about his leg ( Read more... )

sentinel, hp, hl, ds, house, rl

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anonymous December 6 2005, 16:15:34 UTC
Do I even want to know what "towel bondage" is?

Hey, don't bash on the subtitles. "Asoko" could... perhaps... have just as many subtexts and "yes" does in English. For instance:
there it is, the goal of my searching!
there it is, an end to this nightmare...
there it is! a portkey to Cho's heart!

I do find the doctor paraphenalia a bit on the dodgy side. However, I would also have wondered about seeing you type the word "nipples", Doctor class or not. I mean, what, are you going to have the kids check little dolls for mono by having them feel the dolls up or something? That's just wrong, dude. That's just wrong.


fenlings December 6 2005, 16:30:34 UTC
There are...many types of towel bondage, grasshopper. Are you truly ready to know the way?

No really, you know how everyone in Japan carries a handtowel/dishtowel/handkerchief thing around with them everywhere? There are *so many things* you can do with those towels - your towel is one of the few personal accessories you're allowed to play with at school. Tying people up, blinding them, dragging them around, lassooing them, I've seen things man.... Kinky, kinky things. And the teachers just smile and nod and walk on past. Apparently this is normal preteen behavior. It's been so long, John! Is it true?

there it is! a portkey to Cho's heart!

However, I would also have wondered about seeing you type the word "nipples", Doctor class or not.
The whole point is that they wouldn't *understand* the word "nipples."

having them feel the dolls up or something?
Yes John. We practice with dolls. Just like the lap pillow. Soon they will be robot dolls.


anonymous December 6 2005, 22:52:57 UTC
What? You mean you've never tried to drag someone home with you with your handkerchief? What is WRONG with you?

Wow, you MUST bring one of these lap pillow things home with you. Or the strong shoulder pillow thing. I mean, can you imagine using one of those in public? Think about it. In fact, send me one! I'd break it out on the trains here and then "fall asleep" on it. The conductor would probably be too embarrassed to wake me up and ask for a ticket! Embarrassed and afraid... but we all know a little fear is a good thing.


fenlings December 6 2005, 16:39:28 UTC
And omg DODGY! ::points:: Britishism!!!

Stay strong in the ways of American grammar and spelling! Don't use which as a relative pronoun in a restrictive clause!


anonymous December 6 2005, 22:44:11 UTC
Hehe, I was wondering if you would notice that. I tried to think of another word to use instead, but it just fit so well. If only you could hear my accent (which is apparently changing)...

"Don't use which as a relative pronoun in a restrictive clause!"
... I have no idea what that means. Is that the thing which Microsoft Word keeps correcting for me in my essays? You know, where it changes "which" into "that" because of... uh... some grammar point or other?


fenlings December 6 2005, 22:49:44 UTC
Accents are okay. Accents are fun! And now I really wanna hear yours. Hee.

Is that the thing which Microsoft Word keeps correcting for me in my essays?
Yes, only that's an American thing. So British people can apparently say, "The cat which is orange is in closet." (As opposed to the brown cat.) Basically, only use "which" after a comma in American grammar.

Macubbin taught me about that. Because I am slow and only learn things in college apparently.


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