House! Who is gay! And stuff!

Nov 17, 2005 21:55

OMG House! On the Motorcycle of Gay Love! Trying to convince Wilson to go on dates with him by reminding Wilson that he knows House will put out (or I guess pay money for Wilson's company, which is almost as good), unlike Wilson's wife. ("Unlike her, I can make it worth your while.") Saying that Wilson will only find out what House does with his "cane" if Wilson buys him dinner. And the treat-me-like-a-lady speech: "See that's how you do it. Compliments. Dinner." Thank you, House lj people, for making me watch 2nd season.

The cancer girl hugging House was a little too Grinch and Cindy-Lou Who, but it was cute too.

Andrew! With brown hair! As a random clinic patient. Just rounding out the gay, I see.

House is all stubbly because years ago Wilson said he looked good unshaved omg <3.

Hmm someone needs to fix Wilson's hair. It's much too short and hacked-off-looking on top. And his nose should be made up to be the SAME COLOR as his face, hello Hollywood make-up people!

I'm sorry, but I need more House parent angst. What they gave us was very unsatisfying. Although House with his mother = SO ADORABLE I COULD DIE. He's so *sweet* with her. Awwww. But I don't buy that House is miserable seeing his parents because he doesn't want to be a disappointment because he's miserable. Stupid Cameron.

I want more of that real Daddy!angst, not just Oh-he's-so-different-we-can't-communicate half-assed stuff they gave us. Also I didn't get how Daddy's "moral code" was traumatizing for House. More details!

The Wilson and Cameron conversation was very illuminating, especially Wilson's "You'd be surprised what you can live with." I was totally yelling, "You SLUT, Wilson!" at the TV. God, I love him. This comment just solidified for me his extreme moral fucked-up-ness behind the facade of a good boy. Becuase he was telling Cameron that she shouldn't tell the truth about the biker because it would disillusion his fans and kill their love (which was real, no matter if it were based on a lie). Then in the next breath he tells her that he always told his wives when he cheated.

I mean, what is that except sadomadochism? He knew that telling them would kill (at last part of) their love, and that would kill whatever "good feeling" (SLUT!) he got from their relationship to begin wtih. So he knows that there's nothing to be gained from telling the truth (except maybe a clear conscience IF HE HAD A CONSCIENCE), and he does it anyway. He hurts both himself and his wife-of-the-moment for no reason and he does it multiple times. And that's not even counting the actual cheating.

Well of course there *is* a reason, but we don't know what it is. And maybe he doesn't either. Maybe he distrusts relationships as a whole (or women as a gender) and tries to sabotage his relationships before they (she) can hurt him first. Maybe he's in love with House, so he unconsciously sabotages his other relationships. Maybe he keeps testing his wives be comparing their relationship with him to his relationship with House. After all, House doesn't mind when Wilson fucks other people. Maybe he distrusts monogamy (because he's a SLUT), so he tries to, um, "open" his marriages. Oh and this is all while he's fucking House from time to time too. OF COURSE.

But Wilson just basically admitted that he does whatever "feels good." Is there a more textbook definition of a slut? I don't think so! ::hugs Wilson so tight::

He's totally amoral in that regard. I love it! (Hm, or maybe his moral code is just different from society's prevailing one. Maybe he'd function perfectly morally in a society that advocated group marriages or something. Serial monogamy bah!)

Hee, House was totally jerking Wilson around with that money thing. (Asshole!) It's such a House thing to do - to reveal his own insecurities by hurting others. It's so wonderful - I love his character.

Yeah, my viewings of House are starting to sound a lot like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. ("SLUT! ASSHOLE!" ::giggles::)

In conclusion:


STACY: Let it GO, Greg.

WILSON: Man, get over it. Do you really think this will end well? No! Stop looking at Stacy. Look at me! I am PREETEEEEEE!


HOUSE: My boyfriend bought me a motorcycle. OMGYAY! Vroom Vroom! Look at my cool jacket!

WILSON: ::gives House money::

HOUSE: ::performs sexual favors::



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