(no subject)

Nov 15, 2005 17:49

The Polar Bears almost made me lose the Will to Vid. My God. It took that whole zoo thing to the next level, and beautifully. This is one of those vids I want to show to the creators/actors, and say: "This is fandom."

Ever since the Apple Post, Kronos has been taking over my brain. I have to finish the happy shipper vid soon, because he's not really one to wait in a corner of my mind like a good little vidbunny. He's setting up camp. (Or should that be Kamp?) Hah who is it that has that "Hello Kitty" Kronos icon? That's what this vidbunny looks like. Only with wings and vampire teeth.

I think the new Methos/Kronos vid is even ousting the other Methos vid that I've had planned in my head for ages. It was so vivid there that I sometimes forgot that it wasn't a vid that somebody else had made. I would remember it and like go looking in my vids folder - I forgot that I couldn't actuallly *watch* it yet. I've been planning vids years before I actually started vidding, and I have all these lyric vidnotes around in a folder, but I doubt most of them will ever be made. I just don't have the omgfandomsquee needed to motivate me to make those beautiful Smallville or Harry Potter vids right now. Well, there are lots of fandoms which have sent their vidbunnies to hop crazily in my vision until I write them down. So I don't think I'll lack for ideas. *Songs* sometimes. Like can anyone think of a good Vecchio song? Just like a character study. Something Billy Joel-ish? I think I found a song maybe for the amorphous "vid where Fraser hypnotizes Ray to have sex with him." Yes. That one seems like a lot of work though. And I would have to dl some, err, *source footage*. So taxing.

I've started catching up on House second season in order to get to the Episode of Gay that everyone's talking about. 201 was already pretty gay, IMO.

House+Wilson: "Bros before ho's!"

House saying how Chase's mouth is so pretty that the inmates will open up to him. Hee, yeah.

Maybe I'll watch that strip club Smallville episode. I am a little curious, jekesta...

Ack, I have so much stuff to watch that's already downloaded and burned. It's not even funny. God. Instead, what do I do with my time? Read a depressing Faculty rape-recovery giant epic WIP. Because I am SMRT yo.

Speaking of fics, the Others fic is...coming along...slowly... ::hunts for a beta::

I came across this article by chance and was just fascinated. I couldn't stop reading. It's about nature vs. nurture and a boy who was turned into a girl and how gender and sexual orientation are really biologically IN THE BRAIN OMG HOW COOL GO READ IT NOW.

I was rewatching the good parts of the newest Pride and Prejudice. Man, it's so hot. Colin is angstier and Olivier is posher, but this Darcy is *sex*. And this film is just *pretty*. Pretty pretty cinematography. But when I was rewatching the scene of Elizabeth exploring Darcy's desk at Pemberly, I noticed all the statues of Greeks and gods. It made me think of Resonant's "The Teeth of the Hydra," and how, in that form of classical education, to some extent fandom and education were *the same thing*. Which is not to say that they taught Byron in school back when people were
fangirling Byron contemporarily. But education was all about knowing the important stories. And Darcy could have figurines of Achilles like we have figurines of Aragorn and Darth Vader, and he was *classy* not geeky. Those classical stories were deemed important to their civilization, way of life, and history in a way that "Childe Harold" was not.

Civilization is all about having a common frame of reference. In Vermont Ma was saying that she didn't even have a common frame of reference with her own father, who *was* classically educated at parochial school and Harvard. I wanted to go to St. Johns College to get that classical education, but it's much more feasible in the modern world to go the liberal arts route (not to mention that whole having film studies, gender studies, and dorms with internet thing) - and I did try to get *some* classics in. I still feel guilty that I didn't go hardcore classics though, because I just believe that it's important to understand our own culture by understanding what it considered its most important stories for hundreds of years. And I still really do feel that in the West, to be *educated* you just *have to know* Latin and Greek.

Man, do I miss Greek... And the only languages I've ever had a burning desire to learn I never have: Gaelic and Irish. But without a structured course at school I just can't do it, because I am so lazy and badfic-reading instead of language-studying. ::fails::

vidding, vidrecs, links, house

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