Aug 12, 2008 16:53
I really have no reason for updating:S Nothing particularly interesting has been happening lately:/ I do have to go back to school next Wednesday>_< I just bought my books today:S I haven't drawn much lately, aside from doodles here and there, but I have been working on an avatar for my best friend and that's going fairly well, I thinkXD...The weird part about all this is that I actually feel like drawing but nothing I draw seems to come out quite how I imagine it:S Still haven't heard back from GameStop, and at this point, I'm starting to doubt I willXD. I've got to go apply to other places:S
I'm slowly but surely finishing up the mood thing^^ There's only about maybe 20 more moods to find pictures for:) Mostly the odd ones that I don't exactly know the meaning of:S Like quixotic. I looked that word up at least five times and the definition just won't stickXD haha. Oh well^^ That's okay. I won't use it if I don't know what it means so I won't need a pic for it^^
Various Countdowns:
8 days until school starts
17 days until our church retreat
22 days until the 2nd Bleach movie comes out on dvd in Japan
42 days until Time Hollow is released
56 days until Inkdeath comes out in hardcover
77 days until the Ouran dvds are released
103 days until my birthday
And yay^^ It's Ryuu:)