Jul 27, 2007 11:14
Just a quick entry to update.
* I got a new job working at MIll Creek Campground. I love it there. They love me there. In my first week I got a dollar an hour raise. Pretty impressive, eh? lol :)
* My puppy is fat and incredibly ugly/cute. I'm getting an english mastiff in a couple of weeks who is accidentally gonna sit on the poor whipper-snapper and then dagonet will be dead. lol jk.
* Stuff is going good with Josh. We're going camping in August and plan on being some major Fudgies. Gonna go to the Island and go to the Fort. Maybe go parasailing....definitely get some mackinaw island fudge!! :)
* I'm getting laid off in the winter and am contemplating heading down to florida for a while to see my sister, meet her boyfriend and visit my florida kids!
*Finished the new harry potter book the day after it came out. Hated It! Worst ending of a book since Koontz.
*Found out there is gonna be a Harry Potter theme park in Islands of Adventure opening up in 2009 or 2010. You better fuckin believe I'll be there! lol....i wonder if they'll sell hufflepuff merchandise in the gift shops.....that would be rad.
Can't think of anything else to update on so I'm gonna go get dressed(still walking around wrapped up in my sheet from when I got up this morning to pee, lol. ) and do all that good stuff. much love