You can sleep in your own bed tonight...

Nov 18, 2003 20:36 Swim Practice SUCKED. Both coaches were pissed for whatever reason, and so we swimmer's suffered their wrath. It was great. In an attempt to make things a little more digestible, Flex and I partnered up for Dry-Lands (those are intense little workout routines, done before swimming...everyone gets sweaty and disgusting...yuck). Flex and I sang songs, and cracked for us...but...nothing's worse when you're in a bad mood, than someone who's in a great mood...So the coaches got angrier.'s over now anyway, and Peer-Mentoring was tonight...that's a joke to begin with...but tonight it was especially stupid.

In other news...Francis will be sleeping alone tonight (much to his dismay) his own bed(with the room mates from hell)...So it's bound to be awful all around. Amanda says she need's a good night sleep...and she probably does. Apparently she cant get that with me in her bed...sorry I move around...sorry I have a cough...whatever...I'm not going to lose any sleep over it (thanks to the ungodly amount of meds I'm on)...But it'll suck waking up without her...
Instead of smelling her perfume, I'll get the nice aroma of man-stink...yuck.

I don't want to read into this too deep...but maybe she's losing interest...Things have really calmed down over the past few weeks. She used to come on real strong, I mean REAL scared me a little...but I liked it...not so much anymore though......Francis is definitely suffering from withdrawal...but he enjoy's sleeping next to he said...he's all about her...and as "SAVES THE DAY" puts it - "Nothing's like being held"

Anyway...let's all cross our fingers for me...Thanx
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