Well, after months of laughing at my friends and my now
husband about their obsession with blogging, I find myself breaking down and getting one of my own. Why? Several reasons:
1) Having recently started actually reading some of my friends' blogs, I'm beginning to see how these things can really help keep those social connections alive over long distances. The first application that really made a connection with me in that way was instant messaging. When I first began using ICQ when I moved back to Denver, I discovered that I was able to keep and even grow closer to my friends here in Pasadena. I could have quick conversations with my long distance friends at pretty much any time. With a blog, I've discovered how interesting it is to read my friends deeper thoughts and see the events of their lives unfold from their own viewpoint.
2) Now that my wedding planning is over and done with, I now have time to reconnect with myself. Over the past year, my mind has been continously in project manager mode, obsessed with making our wedding as fun and enjoyable for our guests as possible. Now that this huge project has been removed from my life, I now have the time and the bandwidth to do all the little things that make life living. And I'm hoping this will become an outlet for me to talk about my thoughts and feelings out loud so that I can understand them better in my own head.
3) I'm a lemming, okay? Now where's that cliff?