Oct 21, 2004 21:36
Yeah, it's been a while since I've updated this thing, but I've been sucked in to The Sims 2 for the past month or so. It's pitiful. It's like playing Barbie. But I'm an adult. And I find it difficult to tear myself away from the stupid game.
Anyway, Henry has managed to pass along his wonderful head cold, so I nyked it tonight. Needless to say, this may be a stream-of-consciousness posting before I'm finished with it.
What's up with me? Well, we recently had a grandiose scheme to upgrade our electrical panel to support 200 Amps, but that crashed to the ground when we figured out we'd have to have the power shut off for an entire weekend to do it. That is leading to an even more grandiose plan to relocate the panel to the side of our house, completely rewire the place, and run Cat-5 cable to all the rooms at the same time. If you're fishing wire, I guess you might as well fish it all at once...
What else? Oh yeah! The condo finally sold! I got the thing off my hands in late September. It's such a great feeling to not have the thing hanging over my head. I ended up sending nice flowers to my parents and stepgrandparents, even after I said I wanted to do more for them. The "something more" is still in the works though... (Kind of like the "and then some" in that damn car commercial that gets stuck in my head. That commercial isn't as bad as the one where the white dude drives up to the beach in his lowered convertible, trying to look all bad-ass with his sunglasses and hat turned backwards, and then the 2 blonde chicks walk over and he's thinking he's gonna get some, but then they kneel down and check out his rims, and one of them mouths "that's phat!". I hate that commercial. I watch too much Fox News in the morning. Come to think of it, I haven't seen that commercial much anymore. Hmmmmmm. Now I kinda miss it. Like I miss the really low quality Rocky's Auto commercials from back in Denver. They're tragic when you see them, but just like eczema, they get under your skin and never quite let you go.)
Speaking of eczema, I suffered a nasty flare up as a result of spending too much time in the spa this past Sunday. Took Chris out for her birthday (finally) and had a really nice time, but the heat really killed my skin for the last few days. I've been slathering on the steroid creams, and my legs have finally calmed down a bit, but it's a good reminder that I still have to watch myself else suffer the itching fury that will plague me for the rest of my life.
Well, I think I'm going to go to bed. My stream of consciousness is becoming a trickle. (Ha! I kill me!) I'm logging off before I embarrass myself even more...