Time~ To do the things that I want to do~

Oct 03, 2009 12:48

You know what's like... every possible degree of BAD and possibly worse?
I keep listing things I wanna put here on LJ and I always have no time to do it!
"Oh, I wanna write this... I wanna post that... I wanna share those...", then, when I have a keyboard under my fingers I'm too tired to sum up everything and I can't decide what to start with and I end up doing nothing. CRAP! >____<

Well, let's start with something random, or I'll let this LJ die out of my lazyness...


26 DAYS TO THE NEXT LUCCA COMICS & GAMES, the biggest bestest convention here in Italy!!!!!!
And I'm late with cosplay work, lol.

CHI CI SARA' A LUCCA? Cominciamo a fare due conti già da ora, mica che io mi riduca a chiederlo il giorno prima di partire! XD
Io ci sarò e sarò sicuramente:
- Wilhelm di Ludwig Kakumei (hdksldòksfj SONO IN RITARDISSIMOOOOHHH!!!)
- Walter Kovacs di Watchmen (il che vorrà dire che sarò io vestita un po' a stracciona con un grosso cartello "THE END IS NIGH". Potete trovarmi a importunare gli edicolanti.)
- qualche Kurogane, per sport, per tradizione, perchè sennò mi sento triste, vedremo quale, uno di quelli già fatti che mi sa di aver già abbastanza cose da fare! XD

I recently discovered a very very deserving Foundation that won all my respect and my attention!

The Gaylactic Spectrum Awards Foundation
...yeah, I spelled GAYlactic right! XD

The Gaylactic Spectrum Awards honor outstanding works of science fiction, fantasy and horror which include significant positive explorations of gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered characters, themes, or issues.
Beside the first reaction of LOL and WTF, I thought about it and I realized how good something like that is... Because one of the biggest problem with ..."otherness" is exactly the fact that it's considered different. Everyone's different in their own way, so why should a difference matter more than others? It's hard to find stories where differences are treated like something that's just there, like something normal to exist... Everytime the issue of sexuality stand out of a movie/book/comic/whatever is considered something to quarrel about. And it's... wrong. Even if he result is positive, in the end.
And I know it may sound a little contraddictory with the notion of an award for just GLBT matters, but I think something like that helps a lot to make readers feel the matter of sexuality like something normal. Plus, it's for sci-fi, fantasy and horror, which is great, for a nerd like me... XD
I'm... not sure if I made my point, but I really wanted to make people know about that!
You can find a buch of great books listed there, I bought some and already read three and they're all great, so I dare to say that the quality is kinda good!

...and, as a final note, I think my new goal in life is to write a shonen ai original novel and win the Gaylactic Spectrum Award, yay! :D



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