First off Martha Jones. I adore her. The minute they introduced her with her screwed up family I was totally in love. I like how like Rose she has family that we see but more to it with both parents, and siblings and it seems her brother is married or has a girlfriend and a baby. So that makes for an interesting dynamic. With Rose, it was just her mom and Mickey on occasion with what three appearances of her dad. Martha has a larger family which again, I think will play out in interesting ways.
I like how compared to Rose, Martha was far more skeptical of everything where Rose was very accepting for the most part. Which was what the Doctor needed at the time, someone who accepted him without reservation. I also like how quick she is, very logical and what not. Not that Rosoe was stupid by any means, but Martha is just more quick on the uptake. She's seen all the alien stuff of the past few years and she's quick to put it together with what's going on because she's seen evidence of it. But everything else she questions until she has proof, and I like that about her. I do however still miss Rose very much but that's what my series 1 DVDs are for, and series 2 when I get it.
As for everything else, the Doctor reminded more of him from the Christmas Invasion, who I fell in love with and then slightly out of as series 2 kicked off. So I really was enjoying him tonight. The bit with the tie was cute. The kiss was cheap and makes me bemoan the fact Rose and the Doctor never kissed when Rose was conscious and in control of her body, even if it had been a cheap kiss like this one. However, Martha and the Doctor do have some lovely chemistry. I'd almost say Freema and David have better chemistry then Billie and David. Though neither pairing trumps the chemistry between Christopher Eccleston and Billie. I am so looking forward to the rest of the series, especially the last few eps as I know who will be in them and the title of the finale really intrigues me.