fic: A Feast of Music

Oct 02, 2018 08:20

Title: A Feast of Music
Fandom: Twelfth Night
Length: 100
Rating: G
Content notes: no warnings apply
Author note: written for the Feed challenge at
fan_flashworks and inspired by the Watermill Theatre production of Twelfth Night at Wilton's Music Hall, details of which can be found here
Summary: If music be the food of love, The Elephant Jazz Club is a Michelin starred restaurant.

If music be the food of love, The Elephant Jazz Club is a Michelin starred restaurant. Women in sharp suits sing close harmony, move smoothly to the rhythm of drum and bass, pick up the melody for a dazzling solo on fiddle or sax. Anything is possible in this room full of smoke and mirrors. What better place to be shipwrecked, to lose your heart, to find your other self? New songs for old, songs of love and death, folly and yearning and midsummer madness. Even the sour-faced steward Malvolio has a song to sing: let me live that fantasy.

Also posted at with

challenge: fan_flashworks, drabble, twelfth night

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