I'm not responsible for possible disturbing imagery herein :-D

Oct 08, 2008 09:17

Time for an old-fashioned linkspam:

You've all heard of American networks producing their own versions of foreign programs, right? Well, it looks like it goes both ways. Take a look at Law & Order: London.

PETA brings whole new level to the breastfeeding debate.

NINJA CAT! I kid you not. Both adorable and a little creepy.

Palindrome. This, well, it might take a moment for you to see it.

This is a perfect example of why I love Questionable Content. Do you read the comic? You should!

Read this. You will be impressed. And entertained.

If you look at this as funny, you'll feel a lot better than if you take it seriously. Although the pictures on the ninth page are pretty funny regardless.

In a slightly similar vein ... have you ever wanted to learn how to control your gag reflex?

Possible Doctor Who casting spoiler! And one I am very interested in seeing.

The Strange Maps Blog. If you're like me, this blog will catch your eye. I was particularly amused by 'The World As Seen From Paris.'

So apparently I really missed something by not watching the latest American presidential debate. Both Hodgface and Wil Wheaton suggest there was some interesting sexual tension.


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