(no subject)

Jul 03, 2008 01:16

There's this movie, Love and Sex. I found it through OnDemand (my new Jesus). And the first time I watched it, I couldn't help but make obvious comparisons between Adam&Kate and Forrest&Denise. Adam: neurotic painter that ends his relationship with Kate to sow his wild oats, only to find Kate is the only one he wants. Kate: sarcastic writer with horrible luck with men (due to her own inability to differentiate love and sex) that transfers her feelings for Adam to a dim-witted actor, ironically the star of Adam's favorite movies. At times, I'm Adam (neurotic painter: check. pushing away the one person in the entire world that gets you because you want to "be single": CHECK.), but for the most part I'm Kate, outspoken to a fault and constantly searching for real love but coming up short for various reasons. Forrest has a similarly bad track record but he has more of Adam's qualities, especially the offbeat perspective and inherent strength despite internal insecurity about weakness. I've dated other guys in between the first time I dated Forrest and this time, and it's amazing how I really thought I'd find another connection like that. It's like...you know you existed before you met the person, but it seems as if life didn't start until after that crucial moment. He's my best friend, the person I can't wait to see, the lighthearted literary cynic to my increasingly jaded punkrockflowerchild. He is the words and I am the music. Other guys can't seem to get the lyrics right and I'm the only melody he wants to hear. I know things won't always seem so sunshiny, but I'm actually looking forward to fights and bad times, so we can get to the other side of them where the sun shines brighter.

Alright, enough of that. Took a field trip to Dunkin Donuts with Jacob, I enjoyed myself, but I think we both just want a friend like us in the area. The best thing to come of the night was the quote "My elbows feel light" (trust me, it's fucking hilarious). It's easy to latch onto someone you get along with romantically but he's old enough and I'm experienced enough to know when friends is the best option. And he's kind of not my type; he doesn't eat enough junk food. Forrest has a slight addiction to Baconators, which I find absolutely adorable and the perfect match to my addiction to...any bad food you set in front of me haha
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